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Alright, I guess it's time for me to sign off and clear my motives.

As you all know me, the Damascus of your forums I'd finally like to clear things off before I completely sign-off again.

Only reason I returned as because Genesis needed me to handle a business that required my in-game presence otherwise I wouldn't be back. I started e-drama for the simple cause of the server's community's stability. As you know I had great Drama with Eregon and Emy and guess what? Sorry you two but unfortunately I had to use you for this since you two were one of the most active members that didn't properly defend yourselves to the point that I abused it. Regardless I used it to also sway suspicion of me being Synchronize away, why would Damascus ban Damascus anyways? exactly my point. I had to become the server enemy in order to make almost every social group go against somebody and join hands in order to bring that arrogant malefactor down thus communicate and blend in. I hate seeing ' cool ' and ' noobs ' not collide. My mission is completed when I saw Emy and Eregon rebel along with a few others from the ' cool ' community join hands with a few ' noobs ' in order to bring me down. Ami, yes I further used you also in order to draw attention away from my GM and Legit. Why would Damascus also help Ami? Damascus KoSes Ami in PvP, so why in the world would he bother clearing her motives in that Forsaken City Ayre incident? exactly my purpose there.

Thus being, the server's community hopefully gained some respect for themselves now and have at least copied 1 feature I presented on purpose, when I'm sitting in Forsaken City and a newcomer ' noob ' randomly asks for friends, don't ignore them, you're not too cool to talk to them. I befriended quite a few of them in hopes that when they get to the popularity level as some of us, that they will too copy what I did and talk to the ' noobs ' of the community.

My mission here is complete, I have brought down the server threat and cleared a few names out there nonetheless destroyed my own reputation in order to maintain stability in the community.

I can't call this a forever goodbye since everybody comes back at one point but I'm going to try my best to be gone forever. Just remember, I have some fRO people's MSN and as soon as I get a complain of somebody trying to be high and mighty and corrupt the community, you could expect me back in-game and the forums if under a new name/IP/computer/internet/location just to bring them down. Genesis asked me to help this server, I'm going to help it continuously. If anybody requires my MSN, it's under my Damascus account's name-thing. This being said;


-Signing Off.

To some of you good hearted players, keep the community safe and intact, it'll be a shame to see such a wonderful server fall. That's my final request to the players.

Oh and Ami, sorry for the KoSing in the long-run. But I had to do it. I wouldn't have the heart to KoS you if I was still your friend.

Mission Complete(?)

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You were actually one of the people i respected despite all the controversies. If you leave, you'll like take away the chance of newcomers to have a welcoming committee. :[

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I don't know what to say, I would ask you to stay, as I see you won't stay here because me. I will miss you and never forget the time with you when we talked about random stuff. I hope we stay in cotact in MSN. You should go often to MSN^^. Btw you are my big brother forever.

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You know Damascus, there was never any need for you to flame me or Ricky. We were friends with the 'noobs' before you interfered. But who cares I guess, Ryoji and I enjoyed slapping you around. And lol, you used our names, I guess the newcomers from darkRO caused some disturbances. And not because we didn't defend ourselves, but because we simply couldn't get along because we didn't like your attitude.

What gave you away as being GM Synchronize, was the fact that you knew who 'Dama' was, that you seemed to want to get the suspicions off of you. I knew you knew what was all written in our guild forums. I suspected Troch had told you, since you two seemed to be good friends, and then I realized it was you. And I was right. Synch banned Damascus to get the suspicions off, and you were the same person all along.

Alright so this changes a few things, like the way I feel about the GM selection...lol. On another note, you didn't seem so unfair as a GM. Then again your only act to protect me was to ban yourself for your own security. So I don't know how else you would have acted to me an dmy friends. Drama everywhere eh?

Regardless of why you insulted people so blatantly, it was still flaming, unacceptable, and insulting. The only difference between me, my bf, and our 'noob' friends now, is that we all dislike you more. lol yay? I still don't understand why you did it, your explanation makes really no sense to me.

to Genesis: I asked you if Damascus was a new GM, you said he wasn't a GM; you lied, and that's nothing new because ppl always lie. Oh well the world sucks, but if it makes you feel any better, you're still the best admin I've played under. But next time you wanna lie to me, don't, I lose trust in GM's fast, and if it wasn't for all the times we talked on msn etc, I'd think differently of you.

And despite what Damascus has always preeched, I'm not stupid. Four GM's are to be elected soon, one of them might be damascus, and no one will ever know because of this post, thinking he is gone for a good while. And if that's the case, just be fair, Damascus, and leave me and Ricky alone lol.

Also I have this feeling a couple ppl might reply to my post, and quite unhappily too. So for those ppl, don't even bother, it's not worth it.

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This server is amazing...truly amazing...

And so the thread disolves...but unfortunatelly, many interesting people are leaving. [GM]Synchronize was a nice GM, Damascus was a nice player in game and in the foruns.

Vai deixar saudade...

Emy i hope you don't leave too, that would be sad.

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I never said I was leaving /lv D: Omg Sorrow don't scare Icarus like that. Not leaving at all. Why would I leave, it's a good server. The only thing that's truly making me unhappy, is that my wings aren't implemented yets D:

I just said this whole thing is poopy, and I suspected it all from the start.

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Sorry Icarus XD

It's only that if this fashion keeps on going, we'll not have more interesting people here XD and the least i want leaving here is Emy. i would make it to my name if things keep going like this...very sorrowful isn't it?

To tell the truth i suspected when Synch was so harsh about people suspecting...even threatening punishments...but oh wells this happening here gives story to tell to your friends huh?

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Nobody noticed that Damascus and Synchronize are the only players here (and that I know of) to type exclamation points in this fashion?:

Blah blah blah blah ! Blah blah blah.

Versus how everyone types it:

Blah blah blah blah! Blah blah blah.

It's quite the giveaway.

It was actually amusing when I not only saw that in the forums, but also in-game via broadcast and that basically confirmed everything.

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Sorry Icarus XD

It's only that if this fashion keeps on going, we'll not have more interesting people here XD and the least i want leaving here is Emy. i would make it to my name if things keep going like this...very sorrowful isn't it?

To tell the truth i suspected when Synch was so harsh about people suspecting...even threatening punishments...but oh wells this happening here gives story to tell to your friends huh?

I,ve heard better stories XD. And no worries, it'll take more than a few flames to make me quit. It took three corrupted GM's, and one that banned me to get me off darkRO. Then they went and banned my bf because someone lied. This is nothing :s

your comment was sweet, Sorrow /lv

Nobody noticed that Damascus and Synchronize are the only players here (and that I know of) to type exclamation points in this fashion?:

Versus how everyone types it:

It's quite the giveaway.

It was actually amusing when I not only saw that in the forums, but also in-game via broadcast and that basically confirmed everything.

Did everyone suspect? XD

And omg NO Icarus, we do NOT need someone to replace him XD nty po

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But that's what made Damascus Damascus. You mean you want someone with his pvp ro knowledge? There are a few ppl on here with some good info XD

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Yeah, kind of figured. Well not from his writing but more of just how things went down...

I'm never wrong.

And that helps too, as you've most likely seen filled in our sub forums not even 5 minutes after GMs were hired. Also, it might have something to do with your unique sense of names. Kind of easy to pick out? lol.

As for your explaination it makes no sense to me, even though it might to some. I've been flamed and flamed back myself..well only you in return set aside one or two to a select person here or there in defense. You claim it all to be hoax but I guess I never knew you to be the real damascus, so as far as impressions go you're still going to be the rebel even mostly asshole-ish guy who contradicts anyone and everyone only for the majority if not large handful to blindly follow in such a manner.

I had attended a few events, and in game as a GM you were a professional at what you did. At least from what I saw, maybe if I had spoken with you sooner things could of been different. Then again, I'm not trying to make friends nor salvange anything with you. I'm just saying is all.


What I ment is someone who will be just like Damascus only with MOAR of his flaming and over self loving XD


...lol ;P

but yes, you'll come back I'm sure you will I just hope not to see this again, be it fake or not. Always next time.

Also, now I'm giving up hope on GM apps for now on. )=

I knew those things were rigged. Lol.

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/pat Ryoji. I'm sure you'll make a fine Damascus.

As for rigged....that time it certainly was...so no GM can say it's never rigged anymore. It is teh provens. Because if Damascus could get GM with around a 90% warn, then you,re a good a candidate as him.

You know I love ya

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