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Massive SRC update.

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We have updated the src to the latest, stable release. There seems to be no issues we added a few things as well as some fixes:

* Merged the Acid Demonstration crash fix

* Fixed newly invited party members not displaying correctly

* Added missing party leader check when changing party settings

* Added missing chatroom owner check when parsing kick requests

* Merged the updates to minimize the packets sent when warping

* Merged fixes to land skill code

- added flag UF_PATHCHECK for wall-ignoring land skills

- allowed casting of ground-targeted skills over 'gaps'

* Merged script function 'query_logsql'

* Merged support for the 'view player equip' feature

* Merged r12293, r12299, r12300 and r12310

- Updated firepillar so it cannot be placed on top of others

- Updated the firepillar code so it behaves like the other traps

- Changed the default format for @me and @main to avoid client crashes

- Additional status changes now only trigger if the attack did damage

(prevents getting bash-stunned through kyrie/safetywall, for example)

- Fixed no-equip restrictions not applying to cards properly

- Fixed the session_data de-association in chrif_auth_delete

- Added Firepillar's 'target cannot move for 0.2 sec x hit' property

- Corrected Earthquake so it behaves as explained in the dev topics

- Added code to unequip restricted compounded cards when changing maps

- Modified mapflag loading code to handle whitespace problems better

* Merged various fixes that accumulated over time:

- corrected uninitialized login_fd/char_fd in the char servers

- limited base_atk calculations to avoid overflows

- fixed an exploit with delayed consumption items

- added +1 MDEF bonus from LK's Concentration

- added status_calc_life() to do safe hp/maxhp % calculation

- fixed logarithmic drops turning 0% drop rates into 100%

- correct Bard/Dancer spirit walk-speed bonus

- removed the problematic max. send buffer size limit

- increased the max amount of autocast skills from 5 to 10

- fixed Apple of Idun not checking for bard soul link

- fixed Advanced Adrenaline Rush not working barehanded

- patched an unresolved case regarding bard/dancer knockback

- fixed @reloadmobdb producing memory leaks in pet db

- graceful socket shutdown when exiting

- fixed 'cleararray' not able to erase array entry 127

- added check to chrif_authok() to detect data size mismatches

* Merged improvements to the auth system

- made autotraders be kicked instead of reporting double login

- players in auth/logout process are now stored separately

- removed lots of now unneccessary management variables and code

- corrected display problems with party invite/leave

* Fixed a crash when a homun kills a mvp and the char that did

the most damage is unable to carry the mvp reward

* Merged adjustments to the cell system

- Icewall now uses basic cell type 5 (nonwalkable, shootable)

- as a consequence, it is now possible to warp to a nonwalkable cell

* Merged the improved memory manager system

- added timestamps to memory leak logging

* Merged the enhanced 'input' script command

- two new optional arguments 'min' and 'max'

- return value indicating if it's in the correct range

- added config settings to allow adjusting min/max allowed value

* Fixed @whomap not unlocking the player db

* Fixed db_obj_get not handling deleted nodes correctly.

We also added a few cool things:

When you type @go 25, Forsaken City is displayed.

We also added some chrif.c edits which will reduce strain on the CPU.

Current Issues:

None, awaiting WoE to see if there are any there..

Current Issues:

@storage/@gstorage can be done on LMS,PvP,GvG maps. This is the only known issue till date and we are currently working on fixing it asap.

Edit: LOL. Maybe not anymore.

  Genesis said:
@storage/@gstorage can be done on LMS,PvP,GvG maps. This is the only known issue till date and we are currently working on fixing it asap.


Current Issues:

@storage/@gstorage can be done on LMS,PvP,GvG maps. This is the only known issue till date and we are currently working on fixing it asap.


Mmmk @storage/@gstorage problem fixed and I removed the delay on @warp as well due to there not being a need for it any longer, as we have removed global PK.

  Genesis said:
I removed the delay on @warp as well due to there not being a need for it any longer, as we have removed global PK.

WOOT THANK YOU!!!! You pwn. XP Now farming for stuff will be easier.


Very nice SRC Update indeed. I applaud you Genesis.

  Annihilator^^ said:
- fixed logarithmic drops turning 0% drop rates into 100%

what does that mean???

:huh: :huh:

I am not qualified to answer this question but just out of my mathematical knowledge, I'd say he has re-done the logarithms that actually calculated the dropping chance of a card when a corresponding mob is killed.


Wow, that must be the fruit of a heckload of work. Way to go Gen!

I'm looking forward to the "skill point" update and the server move, though. And since Dama suggested appreciation week earlier...how did it go and if it's to happen, when?

  Wizardry said:
Hey gen , you should fix thanatos mvp... we can't asura him anymore =( , and also change tanee card (as people might notice at ratemyserver , tanee has -40% hp and not -50% which can help a lot :D)

He was bugged for a long time, he does change property though, but you have to dish out half his HP as damage first as far as I can remember.

He keeps switching elements, so asura won't be a good option anymore.

(Glad he's fixed with the update).


In the @go list.

Type @go and you will see the List of towns.

This previously wasn't displayed.


I know you fixes alot of bugs and stuff. But Land Protector no longer removes Ice wall instead it just casts around it. which means if some team spams ice wall in WoE theres no way to counter it besides breaking the ice wall spike by spike. /spin


I don't recall Land Protector removing an already there Ice Wall.

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