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The story of ForsakenRO

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This is the story of ForsakenRO =)

It was once called a server Nlro and was full of corruption, racism and unbalance, Genesis and Relinquish got tired of it all together and thought ''why not do a server without this shit?''Then created a server called ForsakenRO, calling the whole world of NlRO, who became the likes of corruption and racism stayed there, who hated corruption and racism came here.The server started with 10 ~ 15 players on and was when Genesis explained on the server and I said OK MY NIGGA!I quickly went to the site and did the download from the server and soon the server was already in the TOP 12 of gamesites, with this increased significantly the number of players, I remember very well in the first minute I entered the server with my novice lvl 1 , Damascus pm me and go saying ''Thi@go from Nlro? Need Help? =]'',of course I didn't refuse his help, once more that former GM called Gargantua made a Dice event and he was there and Ethereal, my first day in the server and won the first event, Dice event! : D.

Amalgamation a GM who I never saw equal to ban bots, a pity that you did that shit to be expelled from GM. (abuse power)

I remember from my second day of the server when I saw people talking about a lot of this Epic, Terminus and Drax, I was crazy to See them in PvP, when I saw them I realized they were the best players of FkRO but as the season the server was with average of 100 players I thought that when the server had more people they would be noobs (by which I do not know the reason lolol), plus I was wrong because the server after picking up more people, they still continued and remain the best players.

Already I was forgetting the super Limitless, simply the best player for me, the face of berrys spam, spam, spam asuras and kills his enemies.

One day I was in Morroc and a guy named Blackeye was asking my help on how to donate to the server, and soon so I explained. He asked if I wanted to sell thanatos card and my offer, I gave him my offer and he spent 150 dollars to only get my thanatos and I soon realized that he would be one of the largest donors of the server and I was right.Has soon as more crazy players entered as Vortex, tuer and Hyuga, but you do not ask me the reason to find them crazy.

Once the first application of GMs, I get an email saying I was the new GM of fkRO, I was pleased with that, I remember very well the GMs that came along with me, Delirium, Milhouse and Zeitgeist.When Ethereal was announcing the new GMs I thought I was going to make any mess has MY GOD! I DO NOT KNOW HOw TO HOST A EVENT! Then I said''Ethereal I have to go urgent!''Then I logged of fkRO, then one hour later I was doing my first event that grace the god was successful.

I will never forget, when I arrived drunk at home and entered fkRO to make Dice, so I gave drunk / dice and the number was 2 and I killed all world in 3 and also logged during Dice event and was 1 min off, I returned and the rest everything was normal =].

Once joined in the server was my friend and brother Baccus Brazilian Portuguese Paranoia and Sakura, always helping me and I always help them in PvP / kis

Genesis I respond as you had the idea of Sexagua? That idea was brilliant! The community of ForsakenRO like the Sexagua, why do not Hide & Seek with the Sexagua Found you! ?

How will I forget the idea of Yusuke Yurameshi, the password event? =]

I entered the server with no desire to make many friends, most had no way, when some players talked to me ''How I would kill them?''Entropy, Ethernal, Paranoia, Sakura, L2Aim and others.

I remember when we were in the TOP 1 of gamesites and came ALOT new people in the server and when we fought record of 300 players on if I weren't mistaken, I made a LMS with 110 players, I can say with certainty that this was our best LMS.

In addition to my fights with Allure and Gemini not like to talk right now.

It was already forgetting that Poring Ball, and good people may know that in football and in good Poring Ball.

Genesis and Relinquish, all we have to thank for this fun server and I know what you both worked and works by that server.

Sensation, I've never seen before a GM has good as you before, survival event again baby!

Tick, that guy is our father, he already have 4 kids with 28 years old :D Tick, you are teaching your kids how to play RO?

I will always remember that party ins TLMS ''Fate Juice'', it should be Fat Juice =]

Baccus told me that Blade and Drax were seeing my video + of 10 times, my idols of the Freestyle.

I thank especially to Genesis and Relinquish the server, I'm sure that the server wil have far more people.

This is a part of the history of the server.


It's a pretty good story.

Got a little history lesson of fRO from another perspective.


omg u remember the 1st time i logged in the sever. I always enjoy having pvp with you lol or ganging you w/e XD. Since i play here, i thought u were one of the best players and now im sure you are the best sinx bcuz you joined FBI XD.

btw i always check the forums but i never post anything, but i like this topic so much so ill give you my 1st post =P



Lets keep this flame free, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Max user online was 300 but that was back when the user online count counted afk chats as well as venders so in reality it was maybe.... 230; we hit over 260+ ( not counting chats/afk/verders).


Now, Since I am the father of RO... I need babysitters.. Anyone up for the chalenge? Great story!

Nice story although I just skimmed through it. I was kind of too lazy to read all of it. : ( But nice story overall.

Nice Story..!!

Hmm ... Well I think you're the one in the first player's who play this server thought. :blush:


Wow. Reading that made me love this server even more. /lv

Thanks Thi@go for sharing your story.



Oh wow, I actually read through everything. /3swt

Good story, but its just the beginning. More tales will be told in the future as our server continues to grow. Who knows? That 500+ population might not be a dream after all.

nice story thiago.. :D

hope mike will share his story too :P

I think he will or if not, he already had.


thi@ago a one of a kind... Genesis ,Relinquish and all of the Oldest players in this server.. shall not for get the Oldest guild's who accepted me and called me a family... mainly the Laxation and PsychoSamurai and some guild's i joined sorry for not staying too long.. =) ow and this is the best server ever! VOTE FRO!!!!

Very nice story. We will continue to grow as a community and rock all other servers so make sure to update it! Then I will spread the name Fate Juice across the world and everyone will know me as the best TLMS commander -laughs-.
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