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Every-one please read this.

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/! I have seen many people holding horrible attitudes towards the new GM's. It's disgusting. So what if they got picked to be a GM instead of you. It just means that their application was more appealing towards GM standards. So people please stop being rude and just Grow up. :mad:


No offense,but people are right >.> I didn't like them either,want to know why?

1. Their names are ridiculous ,exept that Defiance guy.

2. True their new,but their supposed to have experience no? One of the new GM's said ''LMS open for 3 minutes'',it passed 1 minute and it was closed already. Then,at dice,one of them was trying to kill Thiago's stalker and they took 5+ minutes,and then a played talks about the @kill command and they do it. Seeing from that,they didn't even knew there was such a command. That's kinda retarded no?

Alot of people want Colagua back. I'm with it. >.>


Let's see how these GMs turn out before saying stuff like this.

I know they don't seem well right now, but they might actually turn out good.


I cant evne pronouce some of their names.

Like Trochilidae?

They didnt even know how to kill a player.

A GM has skills. use them to kill.

they have 0 Expierience.


I left the GM position mostly because was dating and I was tight on school.Since it would hardly make to be online,I decided to leave the GM position.But if you want me to come back,I will with pleasure,but I can only enter 5 days of the week lol.


Im sorry but some of you really need to learn how to tell time (no attempt on flaming). 3 mins isnt 3 hours. This morning again a gm had the lms open for longer then 3 mins and people were complaing that it was shorter then a minute. When some of the people complaing had the time to duel 3-4 times and had the time to sit in pvp. Just give them a chance jeez-.-''

Actually, you told me to come here and post.

Yes,but you always pm me and says the new GMs aren't good and you want me back.

So I said to post here ''if'' you want.
















+ that another new gm

I don't know if 15 GMs is good for this server.The server have 130~200 players on.


Its their first day they are learning the feel of it; like anything in life your first time is always the hardest, and Thiago the server caps at 230 at 8~9~10 PM during the american time zones.

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