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[Guide] The 100% Perfect Dodge Professor.

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Welcome to my first guide.

Ok everyone, before I start I have to explain some things:

This is a donater build, if you wanna try it with non-donation ask me and I will try a new version.

If you have any other question concerning Professor just ask me.

The most important thing about this kind of Professor is: It's a supporter/survivor.

You can't rly go offense with it, unless you use coma or you are very patient and your opponent is out of yggs.

Anyways Im not saying it is the best build ever. I am just havin fun with this :].

Wtf is Perfect Dodge (PD)?

I noticed that not everyone knows what it is. Sometimes I go to pvp and everyone is like: "OMG FLEE WHORE" or "OMG 300 LUK".

Ok that is just wrong.

If you look at your character status (Alt+A) you'll see the status "Flee". Should be something like xxx+xx. The number behind the "+" is exactly what we need. This is perfect dodge. 50 perfect dodge means you dodge 50% of all physical attacks. That doesn't concern skills though, remember that. Another problem is that Crit > Perfect dodge, so you gotta be careful with crit sins.

How do I get PD then?

First of all it's possible to get PD by LUK. But even if you have 300 Luk you won't have 100pd. Like 20 Luk = 1 PD or something like that, just a rough guess. The easiest way to get pd is equip and cards.

Equip pls, sir?

Equips which give you essential perfect dodge are written in bold. You need all of those items for 100%.

Upper headgear: F. Helm (2x Kiels; Kiel, Gemini; 2x Gemini; wuteva you like)

Middle headgear: Day/Night Aura (Maya P.? lol)

Lower headgear: +10 Pen0r of Doom.

Armor: F. Armor (1. Dbl OL, 2. Tao/Gr, 3. whatever you like)

Weapon: 1. Fortune Sword, 2. Book Of The Dead, 3. Main Gauche with cards like WS, SK, LoD, Dragoon Warlord...whatever

Shield: F. Buckler (Usakoring, Gtb, Maya...)

Robe: 1. Elven-Enchanted Valkyrja's Manteau (Choco Card), 2. F.Cloak (Dbl Immune, Dbl Dev, Dbl Skoll...)

Shoes: Double Of Swift (Fox Card) F.Shoes.

Accessoires: 1. Rosaries Of Flash (Yoyo Card), 2. Ifrit Rings, 3. Anti-Arrow [Necklace or whatsoever].

You might wanna have some Am Mut Cards and an Alice Card too ;].

Okaaay and uhm...What status points do I need?

This is what Im using atm, I think. (In the order how you should skill it.):

Instant cast, which means 150 dex. 124+26 for me.

Agi for 195 aspd with Fortune Sword equipped, since you have more aspd with the book.

Luk till you have 100pd (Should be soemthing like 124 or so).

Lots of vit (I think I had like 180k hp with tao).

Rest is str to carry some yggs and to annoy people.

Oh btw. No int :[.

How should I behave in pvp and what do I do?

I'd say, you gotta be a bit experienced to play this build. Feel free to try it.

Here are the skills that I use (just the 1st bar):


This is it so far. If something is missing or if you have any further question just let me know.

Feel free to comment.



copyleft @ Pray

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It's just that everybody will be like, 'damn you can't hit me wtflux?!' and change to PD build even if it has it's weaknesses (which I will be abusing). n______n

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It's 10luk per 1 PD so 300luk would yield 30 PD.

Morrigane's set (Helm, 2access, manteau) I think is better than your said equips minus the double card option. take off 10's PD from your yoyo/choco and put on Morrigane's it's +21 (or more can't remember) PD.

But yeah, with elemental enchants/land protector/abracadabra this build would be party-celebrities.

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You can always counter PD. Personally if I were to play any class I would have more than just a 1337h3xzomguberdmg weapon, I'd have 1 for each situation.

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As I said, it's not teh uber build, but still you can have a lot of fun with it, althought its not offensive. And it has its weaknesses. But it's not hard to beat either.

Anyways, it's just a suggestion. You may change as you like of course. Just try it. Atm I am usin diff int builds actually Dx

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The build itself isn't bad,but this has some Cons,which are way to important.

1.Your overall damage will fail.Yeah it's supposed to be a ''FUN'' build,but what's the fun when you can't kill anyone,and your damage is arround 100 ?

2.Considering your damage sucks hella hard,the enemy won't even ygg,and even using Usako+Fshield + energy coat,you'll end died in a bit if you're just new with professors.

Well,don't take this has a flame,I'm just pointing out some cons ,because yeah I've played that build, and I couldn't do much,so I made my own among with stuff from Smash. I would advise getting this build only if you're already experiencied with this class,otherwise you'll just end dead.

.Yagami Light. =]

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Okkaaaay I got to tell you guys several thinks.

First of all @geldaz: Read the post pls. Its a SUPPORTER build. And anyways, Im not usin Energy Coat, wouldnt fit to my dbl ol armor.


Asura Strike fails cuz of Wall Of Fog. You just cant cast it on me. Didnt try Final Strike yet but it should be the same. And even IF you asura me you will die yourself since I have dbl ol.

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Final strike has the ability to destroy anyone within 150k HP or less in full reductions. And being a ranged attack, it can't be reflected, but reduced by Wall of Fog.

It wouldn't pose a threat on a Prof with an MDEF piercing card :<

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