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Help me i can't log into fro!!

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When i try to log into fro, after typing my id and pw,i get the message failed to connect to server. Can some1 help me pls?? :unsure:. My friend says it's bcos my com lag or the patch has problem...or is it bcos i've been kicked?

Pls help me!!! :rolleyes:

Download the latest patch at http://forsaken-ro.net/FROInstaller.exe then do th e following:

1. Check where you installed ForsakenRO make sure there is no folder named "data".

2. If there is a folder named "data" rename it to "data123".

Excuse me GM,where can i find the place where i installed ForsakenRO? Thks:)


El o el. I'd say try: C:\Programme\Gravity or another Local Data...

El o el. I'd say try: C:\Programme\Gravity or another Local Data...

I've tried going in there,but i cant find any folder with the data word on it and i still can't play?? :unsure:


Like Genesis said, you need to download the Patch again and IF there is a Folder called data rename it to data123.

Like Genesis said, you need to download the Patch again and IF there is a Folder called data rename it to data123.

i've redownloaded, and check if there is a folder alr, there is no data folder and when i press start,nothing happens?

That means you are missing .DLL files, download this: <a href="http://forsaken-ro.net/rofiles.exe" target="_blank">http://forsaken-ro.net/rofiles.exe</a> and install it where your RO folder is; do you have other servers besides ForsakenRO there?

I've installed it,but i still can't start? I have no other servers inside my RO folder but i hav other servers elsewhere. Thks for helping me greatly :rolleyes:


Dude, please Download the Full Client and Install it. That's all dude.

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