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Robert Telrunya

My Introduction.

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So. Yeah. I'm pretty new here. I have to remake my account, due to the recent server troubles, anyway.

Yeah. I'm just starting RO again, and I guess I'll start it off here with some of my friends. =].

Yeah, if you want to get to know me better, spark up a conversation. I'll be happy to start talking to you. =].


Welcome! :D

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. (:

Rob? Are you from nlRO? xD. If it is, It's Ami. xD;. So anyways, welcome, I hope I get to see you ingame! ;o

Yeah. It's Rob.. From nlRO. =].

I saw you.. Yesterday. With the craze of the whole.. Tickets.. thing. XD.

I was on Ryuichi Sato at the time, but it's okay. I can remake all of my characters.. Or something.


XD. Thanks for the greetings, guys. =].

Hope to see you guys ingame.


.. Sorry for the double-post, but.. Is there a chance that Guild Names were stored during the roll-back? D:

I try to make Radiate, but it says that the guild name was taken. D:.

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