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Assassin Cross Cursed Ring/Jacket/Scarf

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I am suggesting to give it a hit boost for those who use it for the normal attack. If you can see, the cape/drake jacket/scarf, which is a requirement of making it has +80 hit in it, the cursed upgrade should have +hit or something. even +50/70 would do.  The doesnt make any sense for the blessed upgrade though since its a crit build haha.

So there it is, I am suggesting that te cursed cape for sinx and its other variants have additional hit


well the thing is sinx dont need hit boost because any of the skills they use give them hit boost Like Bash and Sonic Blow both these skills give like 50+ hit when used

SD build requires a bit hit but can be acquired through Phreeoni card if necessary 

Ur case in point is for normal attacks so hmm its a good suggestion but breakers dont need hit at all and since ur dmg is pretty high u can risk the 1 card slot for a Phreeoni honestly

But lets see what other ppl think 

Since its there on non donate & donate cape i dont see why not but if so even bless rings shld gain smthing too other then hit to balance it if the hit is added on Cursed ring



Ohh, im saying this for a field PvP, normal attack not WoE

yah, just suggesting that since if you are planning to get phreeoni on a weapon, the damage output is lesser than just to use sinx cape which gives +80 hit. so a setup where you use a cursed ring + phreeoni is weaker than a setup with full damage cards with sinx cape. Thats where i base my point from


yes but other classes face a similar predicament like Lord knights too but they have concentration skill which gives only +50 hit and magnum break gives hit too

So in pvp if ur purely a melee sinx ur magnum break from ur tg card gives u some hit as well and well the dmg diff might be there when phreeoni is equiped in a slot but thats the sacrifice many players make allready in pvp

its not a new issue and its easily adjustable .

Im guessing ur talking about Odex build in pvp? if so the bonus stats and hp u get in pvp is really good from weapon itself so dont see why this hit is required but this is just my point of view.Lets wait for other player's perspective too on the topic


Honestly, i dont see much sinxs that use cursed ring, and just go auto attack everyone on pvp. Idk why you are attempting to put some hit boost on hit, but nowadays, pvp sinxs are all about spamming when they got cursed ring on. Or go crit instead if you really wan to auto attack people.


well as kyle once said Sinx is the most versatile class so u can pretty much fight how u want XD

so autoattacking as dex build is good too u dont have to go crit specifically for it.

Lets see how it goes 


And thats specifically the reason why i want to add hit on. So that Sinxs can  make a build in cursed rings where you can normal attack people and NOT just spam skills


well i don't see adding HIT to sinx c ring ... makes huge imbalance difference to sinx....   plus giving sinx a HIT boost means that breaker's can now hit people with high flee instead of just purely breaking ...... plus not all sinx only spam skills .. there are sinx who just switch up to odex+infernal dagger and YOLO zerk normal hit... it would be sad to keep seeing miss~~~





I personally am okay with the current stats now. Building a sinx is really tricky, creative, and fun to do. My say is to keep it as it is. 

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