tearblue Posted April 6, 2016 Report Posted April 6, 2016 Even with Edga i always feel like i am trapped due to client side stress not server side so i think having the command @refresh would be amazing And having @load would just be awesome
lord_dhan26 Posted April 7, 2016 Report Posted April 7, 2016 is @refresh equivalent to rewarp to the same coordinates you are standing at?
Bishop Posted April 8, 2016 Report Posted April 8, 2016 @refresh has way too many exploitation options. Therefore I'll have to disagree with this suggestion.
Zelot Overlord Posted April 11, 2016 Report Posted April 11, 2016 There aren't any exploits to @refresh unless you have a banker NPC. Since @refresh is completely client side there's no way to actually abuse anything with the command, on top of which you can use a script to force the character to not be able to move or do anything if they use @refresh while talking to an NPC. I have played on countless servers where this command has been active and had 0 issues. I have been bringing this up countless times since I have started playing this server and not once has a GM explained which exploits are there because in my 11 years of playing this game I have yet to hear of an exploit other than the banker NPC bug that could be exploited by the @refresh command.
Bishop Posted April 12, 2016 Report Posted April 12, 2016 The refresh command can be used for more than bugging out NPCs. It can also be used in pvp situations, more effective on some classes than others. I'm not going to be explaining exploits in detail. I know of the possible exploits of the command, hence why I disagree with adding it.
Zelot Overlord Posted April 12, 2016 Report Posted April 12, 2016 What sort of exploits for pvp? Such as sprite resetting? You do realize people use nodelay as is and aren't being banned because the GM's have to go through this vote crap that takes 3 months to do and by the time it goes through the guy who was using nodelay already quit the server. Not to mention that as is it doesn't matter much since being attacked resets 90% of the sprite animations anyway. The only other things that @refresh does for pvp is reset your characters position on your client side allowing you to see where you really are instead of being stuck inside a wall.
Bishop Posted April 13, 2016 Report Posted April 13, 2016 It makes no sense to implement a command that people can rampantly use to bug npcs and cheat in pvp with because people try to cheat already as it is. Also third party program punishments don't take that long. I talked to Jorge just now and he agrees that implementing this command is not a good idea. Therefore I'll be rejecting this suggestion.