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Rgm > The Hunters For Newbies

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Go to @go 22 for invites , welcoming everyone specially new ones hahaha , this is a guild for fun and everything but with respect please thanks :D

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I don't know if we could ask for another set of guild package, but YES we already gave guild package to be claimed from the GM


I have a few questions for GM or active members from this guild:

- How many people online do you guys have in average?

- Do you guys MvP and WoE?

And last but not least

- How active are you guys?

Now a little bit about me:

I'm an old ro player who came back, I used to play for about 7 yrs and stopped for like 5... I was seeking for a nice server with fast paced lvling and pvp, seems like I found it, now I'm looking for guild or friends whom I can talk to and ask questions if I have in regards of the server's mechanics. I already have maxed a Sniper and currently farming for chivalry emblems, I work, so I can't play during the day (keep in mind I'm EST compared to Washington timezone) but you guys can find me online at night or during saturday. I also have pretty good knowledge and my ping is rather low, I used to be pretty good at pvping and I also am very helpful whenever I can/know.

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