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Legendary Weapon Quest Help

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I know a lot of topics has been posted regarding the legendary weapon quest but I can't seem to find the answer about my problem. I'm at the part where I have to find the thief after hunting him he talked then I farm all the "stolen goods". But the thing is I cannot carry all of the item that I farm to give it. It says that I'm overweight. I thought that I have done something wrong so I went back to finding the thief. Have been playing for 6 hrs he snickers & talked a dozen times but nothings happening :( help pls? Thanks!


You just have to keep warp around on the thief (the 3 locations of the thief) until he is at the last location at for_fild06 240 147 AND when he finally stopped his annoying snickering & says something like "I don't have the items anymore, noob! It's all over Midgard now! And I've just wasted your time by warping around looking for me" LOL Seriously, you just have to keep going at it and I know it may seem frustrating at first because I did the quest like several times over.


that's the part I've encountered that many times already where he said "I don't have the items anymore, noob! It's all over Midgard now! And I've just wasted your time by warping around looking for me" after that I farmed all the items needed but I can't give it to the knight master due to overweight thing. I'm sorry its just that i'm really confuse to what I am doing. Should I find the thief again? OTL


I suggest that you temporarily change your stat and spend alot on STR to increase your weight limit.


it worked thank you so much :th_ok:

No problem. c:

I guess the problem's solved. Moderators/GMs please close the thread.

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