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Disable @commands And Parties On The Main Pvp Room

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So I made a ticket regarding this since I thought it was just a bug, turns out it was intentional. Genesis enabled them to make the pvp rooms consistent(as he said so in my ticket).

Now, we already got for_fild01 to have those endless duels of just @storage and using seeds forever. PVP room shouldn't be the case, especially the one they check for the hall of fame.

So I suggest removing the @commands in the main pvp map, disable parties(someone said they are enabled but I haven't tested yet), and dispell buffs upon entering except FCP(to make it fair, I do believe this is still being done, I just want to add it).


+1 for no @commands and dispell buffs upon entering, but I would like to leave parties to be enabled. Annoying to have friendly fire during war and nowadays nobody fights 1v1 anymore anyway, which is sad but true.


+1, except for the disable party, i think that "misclicking" or using aoe damage on an ally during a team fight can be used as a way to feed. Otherwise, the use of the pvp room can have another purpose of holding duels with no storage use.

There have been many times that when people storage in the middle of fights (including myself) and make fights last unnecessarily long.

I also believe that the more skilled players will have more efficient yggdrasil berry/seed usage.


+1 better no @storage and no party in PvP room , better to stay balance . This will be the real pvp . At first I tot no party in PvP lol .


The reason I put the no party suggestion there is because I still want to try and create an environment where it is possible to have 1v1, even though it would be really rare. I know people will still gang though so I can live with a pvp room with parties(which we had before). Just as long as there is no @commands in it, I think it would be fine. The only concern here would be people who bring their own paladins.


yea right ray /no1 this is more challenging since i love pvping. no more restocking Ygg's so use some strategies on how you could survive by your own


^ I think I fought you last time on pvp room(I was the bio using skull aura) when one party randomly added me. Granted I was just messing around so I joined and pvped for 10 minutes.

With that said, I really don't mind if there is a party or not in the pvp room. While it looks good to have 1v1 once in a while, having parties in pvp room makes other classes be in it(like paladins for example) and since most of our pvp events are team based(GVG, BR) it wouldn't hurt to make that pvp room some sort of "training".


^ I think I fought you last time on pvp room(I was the bio using skull aura) when one party randomly added me. Granted I was just messing around so I joined and pvped for 10 minutes.

With that said, I really don't mind if there is a party or not in the pvp room. While it looks good to have 1v1 once in a while, having parties in pvp room makes other classes be in it(like paladins for example) and since most of our pvp events are team based(GVG, BR) it wouldn't hurt to make that pvp room some sort of "training".

Ofc I love the casual 1v1's but it's sad to say that's almost completely gone. Every time I go fild on champ and kill someone, always seems like they come back with a party and then I either fight them 1 vs x amount of gather my own party.


Ofc I love the casual 1v1's but it's sad to say that's almost completely gone. Every time I go fild on champ and kill someone, always seems like they come back with a party and then I either fight them 1 vs x amount of gather my own party.

Yeah that is pretty much normal now. Same thing happened on my bio. Now either I get a friend to help or i just wing it and waste tons of seeds and hope for that random tarot on the ring of resonance.


I actually do not know them people. I just went in pvp room because I saw 12 people are in, got invited to a party randomly so i just play.

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