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Error On Bifrost Bridge (bif_fild02)

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Posted (edited)

I was warping around bif_fild02 killing Cornus when I got an error and the game window closed out and I'm unable to re-enter my character.

Has anyone else had this problem or know of a solution?

Edit: Used CP to reset position and went back to warping around in bif_fild01 and the same thing happens.

Edited by JRCamara3

If the same thing still occurs, you may have to patch your client.
Also, you may have been letting your computer eat too much memory, thus not being able to handle your RO.
Try not having too much programs open all at once.


I have this error too. I downloaded the torrent, the all in 1 exe, and the mini patch, patched both torrent and all in 1 exe with the minipatch as well after trying them out as is. I keep having error for bif_fild01 and 02. I am in windows 8.1.

It's annoying especially since I am trying to get a sprint ring.

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