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Donation Item Change

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Posted (edited)

This one is more for your benefit Genesis from a buissness stand point, Both Drake Jacket and Infernal Cape should be all class items. I know it would probably be a pain in the ass to script(as well as give players who purchased any of the old capes a trade in) but since I joined the server and donated I've noticed one thing in regards to visual items you can see on players, no one other than my self has a cape equip. I see a ton of balloons but no capes, could be the price but I suspect that if you have only 1 Drake's Cape and 1 Infernal Cape both having effects for every 2nd job class(and above if 3rd jobs are added in the future) these two items would have much more desirability.

Edited by MrFuddyDuddy

So most people uses the rings which are upgraded from infernal capes like he said above.

Theres a lot of people using jacket. And not all want it cause it doesnt go well with most classes.

Posted (edited)

Cape and jacket become ring. Thats why you didnt see any of them unless they are still questing it.

Edited by gennova

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