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Crash When Im Chosse The Server

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Go to where you installed ForsakenRO look for a folder named "data" rename it to data123.


Do you have a firewall blocking ForsakenRO from connecting?


You could try searching on your task bar ( lower right hand side) looking for anything named "firewall" and such; if you like send me a screenshot of your desktop and I'll tell you if I see anything. =]


I also Dont Have the Firewall block the game

i thing that when crash by the fisrt time so i desable the firewall and still crashing :S

u already try to enable the firewall?

"i thing that when crash by the fisrt time so i desable the firewall and still crashing :S"

Do you read what o Said?


my firewall are enable i already disable trying to fix the problem but nothing :S


Are you using a custom client, because the current client-fiels is modified so that you can't use any other custom client or botting clients that easy.

If that's the case, just use our own game client instead of those.

Connecting should go perfectly because all files are included in our patch-files, delete forsaken.file and repatch Forsaken RO.

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