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New. Guild Recruiting

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Posted (edited)

SFC super Friends Club...lol i know right..

We are are looking for new friends to join us we will start attending woe in about a month or 2 when we get enough people geared.
Things we currently do. Guild events with tokens as prizes, starting pvp events , auctions , mvp card discounts and more.
But the biggest thing we do is offer u friendship and a home for ur time on FRO.
We mostly speak english but everyone is welcome to join i do have a translator.
Only thing to join is to respect each other just becuase someone is deffernt from you does not give you the right to treat them differnt.
Any questions feel free to leave them here or pm me here.

We are growing fast so come join us events start tommorow at 10am server and happen every 3 hours!!! for our first Saturday together !!

Edited by taxim
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yo broskis hit me up! at the warp so i can join :3


I get off work in fours ill meet u there mate got 4 others and maby a few real lufe friends joining and thank u for the luck mate.


AdayToRemember here :D


up to 20 actives come join us


Up to to 50 membets 38 are active come join us we are gearing for woe


Im looking for a alliance or 2 we will b woe active in 2 weeks we have 8 breakers who are nicely geared a abt 4 snipers geared out of 20 active snipers and few other geared players im looking for a priest and a pally for woe i do offer sallary during woe please message me here. Thanks


i want to join. is this guild active ? just let me clear iam a newbie in this game but experienced in DARK-RO server. thanks . massage me if interested. oh and btw im a loyal member. :th_no1: :th_no1: :th_no1: :th_no1:


please pm me in Zaragosa when ur online im on alot on days off


Can i Join? I just start playing yesterday tho... still figuring out how to play in this server.


I'd like to join. I left my guild since it kinda bored me and never went to WOE.
Semi-geared, lacking fking set and a few cards. :)


what happen to the guild?



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