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Re-enable Leap For Sl At Forfild, And Why Was It Disabled To Begin With?

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It's not completely relevant, but leap was a pretty fun skill that soul linkers had and this sorta makes them not-as-fun. They're not a very popular PVP class, and I haven't seen any complains about how "leap" was imbalanced for it to be disabled...

I don't understand why it stopped working to begin with. Unless for_fild01 was turned into the same map type as the PVP rooms, which also doesn't allow leap? Anyways, please allow leap again c:


I think this happened together with disabling the @go and @warp commands. If It's possible then I agree with returning high jump :).

  On 4/15/2014 at 12:41 PM, heha said:

sigh we should just enable everything back. X_X

I highly disagree with this. I think the @go and @warp changes are perfect and should definitely stay.


It works in conjunction with nowarp to my knowledge, so we wouldn't be able to do it.

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