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Can you guys fix this problem? were able to log on now but we can't even play cause we lag so bad.. some days worse then others like today cant even sit in for_fild01 an pvp cause it just spikes to bad it takes 1min just to show what everyone does.


I was lagging a bit during GvG, possibly due to the shear number of attendees but I'm fine now.


It's not server-side, it must be related to your connection. :( Try talking to your internet provider.


and check your hardware, processor/ram aside from your internet connection... it may also affect your pc performance while playing online games. also remember not to open/run several applications at a time. it may also contribute lag to your computer. you must also know the capacity and limits of your machine. :)


Ever sense Sensation helped me get a ghetto way of full screen lol it hella lag nows not just ro but my pc =/

Lmfao. Should have stuck with superior windows mode.

If your PC is acting weird, you should probably revert the changes you've made. Maybe it's not optimal for your graphics card.


He is playing windowed, but then on max settings. His setup.exe failed to comply to do the right settings though.


But your PC lags? That's almost impossible with the changes I've performed though. I have only altered RO files and not any other stuff as you saw yourself ;p

Did I ever went to install that graphic driver in the end? You know from Firefox download ;p? I think I forgot.

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