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Price Check: Rop, Zodiac Aura, Emp, And Others

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Hi guys, I've had this account for a while now and I just started up again after a couple of years. it seems like a lot has changed so I just wanted to check how much everything costs again. I'm sure other new players will find this useful as well :)

Thanks for the help!




-Zodiac Aura


-Sun / Moon aura

-Drooping hats (valk, cat phreeoni, etc)

-Deviling Hat and Ruck

-Berry Tix

-1k Chivalry Emblem


ROP 1k to 1.2

-Emp depends in color

-Zodiac Aura Legendary is 15 toks and original zod is like 400 to 500 toks

-F.token 1F.token=25m

-Sun / Moon aura 15 tokens i think

-Drooping hats (valk, cat phreeoni, etc)

-Deviling Hat and Ruck both 90 toks

-Berry Tix 5tix:1tok

-1k Chivalry Emblem 8 tokens


thanks a lot dude. you think you could give me an estimate for emps? I've seen purple emp and blue emp go for around 4k. is that legit? :o

additionally, I've seen people selling F.toks for 35-50m. I've never seen 25 though


emps have gone up hugely in price since ive been gone, just returned sometime in December.. and the last I played was almost 2 years ago. I remember emps going for at most 1k now the more expensive emps(teal,maroon) going for 11k. honestly it ranges ive seen em for like 2k, all the way to people asking 40(nuts I know)


lol yeah they have gone up. 11k for a rare colored emp? wth

I've even seen people switch emps mid-pvp. some people have so much gear

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