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[Solved] Hero's Remain

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Yeah man I would just farm chiv emblems like most people.Get 1k will get you 5-7tokens.I would guess around 135-150mzeny.That will be plenty enough.Mean people camp the dragon is why everyone says buy it.I spent 3 hours trying to get the remains people just killed me and tea-bagged me.I can't wait to get full geared so I can return the nice acts to them when they act immature like that:D.

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Yeah man I would just farm chiv emblems like most people.Get 1k will get you 5-7tokens.I would guess around 135-150mzeny.That will be plenty enough.Mean people camp the dragon is why everyone says buy it.I spent 3 hours trying to get the remains people just killed me and tea-bagged me.I can't wait to get full geared so I can return the nice acts to them when they act immature like that:D.

You are right. So GM must make the quests little easier.

Follow up question:

Where can I found the enriched elunium and enriched oridecon?

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You can find those ores in the Forsaken Mine, south of for_fild01 is the mine and the old man in front of it explains how it works. That explanation is for the forsaken dungeon pass, but the same ores are used for the quest you're talking about.

That should answer all your questions and solve the issue at hand :)

- Closed.

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