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Additional Vote Items

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How bout adding Quest item requirements to the list of things we could get?

Like u know... H.Remain, Spiritual Whisper, Muscovite. Like the really rare ones to find.


-1. its one way of earning toks for others. this will add on the unbalance econ we have.


Deleted the posts not adding much to this topic. "-1" isn't really a reply, we want an opinion, not numbers.


All depends on the token exchange rate.

If its at a rate thats close for a average time required to get the item in game

It would be gr8 , cause some ppl are really unlucky RNG wise , so this way

At least persistence will be a 2nd option.

Voting needs to have actual items that are in demand else just adding gimick items really doesn't do much to

Make ppl feel like voting more.

While im here how would u think of a voting points to tokens exchange.

Say at a rate like if u voted 2times every day for a whole week u made 100~300 tokens.

That would single handidly make voting worth over a long period

and voting brings n more players = more donators

Its not gonna make donations any lower that's for if that's a worry.


Sorry, we won't be doing this at this time. While it would have some benefits to it, it would have detrimental effects on the economy/value of these items and rewards.

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