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someone told me that there is a way that when using iset / ifrit rings sonic blow and asura are the only skills it will always cast.

My Questions is does anyone know how to do it? please help


Hello Sir,

this is possible indeed, using the red rings only. But to cast Asura, I thought you'll have to get the blue one too, so I'm not 100% sure. It's been a while since I played.

Keep only the red one for obtaining spheres easily, as soon as you got the spheres, equip your blue ring too.

If you're ranged and are fast enough, you can move during the sonic blow (unless this bug has been fixed).

Hope this helps.


I believe you need both the rings since the red cast asura, while the other cast the zen fury(if i am not mistaken, i can't be sure as i havent used them in a long time.). In any case, DD sinx shouldn't rely on ifrit rings, that's more like a Dex Sword thing.


Hello Sir,

when verifying the information on RMS, especially the script part, I can explain the following when equipping only one of these rings:

Ring of Flame Lord casts Fury/Soul Collect, Hyper Spirit Sphere, Pressure, Fireball or Bowling Bash. These are all on attack.

Ring of Resonance casts Quagmire, Venom Splasher, Heal, Assumptio or Tarot Card of Fate. These are all when hit.

Looking at the combo script if both are equipped, the following spells can be cast: Asura, Lex Aeterna, Sonicblow, Meteor Assault and Occult Impact.

This should elaborate which rings are required to perform the skills you'd like. To speed up casting Asura, use the red ring only until you have 5 spheres & fury, then equip both.

Hope everything is clear now. = )


The one that you saw using sonic blow and asura only(100% chance for the both of them, and 0% for others) is either a modified client(hexed) or there's a 3rd party program involved...

I have tried to do it once(FYI, just for trying) and its overpowering :3 EDP + asura

Posted (edited)

^you didnt get the point. What we were saying was 100% cast asura. we aren't serious for it, especially in PVP. he was asking how to make a 100% cast chance of asura (which is by the way attainable through hexing your client[which in fact is illegal]). imagine a sinx w/ edp that casts asura 100% everytime he attacks, no other skills. still not serious?

Edited by Myuu00
Posted (edited)

Ifrit rings are too fun. in pvp.. esp. if you use like sinx which is so fast to cast many random skills XD ......

Edited by gagosila123

You can't make the rings use only sonic blow and asura strike, the rings script is randomized so it will cast the skills at random intervals.


^you didnt get the point. What we were saying was 100% cast asura. we aren't serious for it, especially in PVP. he was asking how to make a 100% cast chance of asura (which is by the way attainable through hexing your client[which in fact is illegal]). imagine a sinx w/ edp that casts asura 100% everytime he attacks, no other skills. still not serious?

Client side hexing doesn't affect a server side script. Nice try, but no.

As zergling stated, the cast effect is random, I explained how to improve the chances/cast speed of Asura. You need both rings for Asura, need red rings for spheres & fury, after you obtained that, equal the blue one too.

100% cast Asura is only performed by a champion or a monk, if you were deluded by other people (trolls) in-game sorry to disappoint you.


Client side hexing doesn't affect a server side script. Nice try, but no.

As zergling stated, the cast effect is random, I explained how to improve the chances/cast speed of Asura. You need both rings for Asura, need red rings for spheres & fury, after you obtained that, equal the blue one too.

100% cast Asura is only performed by a champion or a monk, if you were deluded by other people (trolls) in-game sorry to disappoint you.

Ahh yes, true you wont affect the "server side script" as you call it, but you can do so that your client only requests specific "instances" (in simpler terms, only sends out the asura/sonic blow skill) which makes it look like 100%

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