unknown101 Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 pls fix the real effect of necromancer hood...but this is the real effect. New! Halloween Trick-or-Treat Goodie Bags! Including: Helm of Darkness Goodie Bag, Angel of Ghost Goodie Bag, Loli Hat Goodie Bag, Magic Eyes Goodie Bag, Tengu Mask Goodie Bag, and Necromancer Hood Goodie Bag! Each bag has 1 random recolor of the given headgear, 20 tokens, 15 bloody branches, 10 of each disguise candy, and a 5% chance of obtaining a Skull Ring! You can purchase one Trick-or-Treat Goodie Bag for $20, or three for $45! Helm of Darkness and Angel of Ghost Effects: All Stats + 10 [ Lord Knight ] Str + 10 Agi + 10 Dex + 10 [ Paladin ] Inflict 40% more damage with Holy Cross Inflict 40% more damage with Bash Inflict 20% more damage with Grand Cross Matk + 20% Str + 10 Int + 10 [ Assassin cross ] Enable use of Level 5 Bash Inflict 50% more damage with Venom Splasher [ Stalker ] Enables the use of level 10 Cold Bolt. [ Whitesmith ] Inflict 40% more damage with Cart Termination Max HP + 10% [ Creator ] Inflict 20% more damage with Mammonite Str + 15 Max HP + 10% Loli Hat and Magic Eyes Hat Effects: All Stats + 10 [ Professor ] Matk + 25% Agi + 10 [ + Forsaken Prof Staff ] Enable use of Level 1 Stave Crasher [ High Wizard ] Inflict 20% more damage with Storm Gust Inflict 20% more damage with Lord of Vermillion Inflict 20% more damage with Meteor Storm Matk + 15% [ High Priest ] Inflict 20% more damage with Holy Light Int + 10 Adds a 5% chance of auto casting Level 10 Decrease Agility on the enemy when hit. [ Champion ] Int + 10 Vit + 10 Dex + 10 [ Sniper ] Inflicts 20% more damage on all enemies. [ Clown/Gypsy ] Inflicts 15% more damage on all enemies. Agi + 10 Tengu Mask and Necromancer Hood Effects: All Stats + 10 [ Gunslinger ] Max HP + 20% Mdef + 20 Dex + 20 [ + Forsaken Gunslinger Pistols ] Receive 40% less damage from Demihumans. [ Soul Linker ] Matk + 20% Int + 10 Vit + 10 Enable use of Level 10 Lightning Bolt [ Star Gladiator ] Str + 10 Dex + 10 Inflict 20% more damage to all enemies. [ Ninja Class ] Max HP + 20% Str + 20 Inflict 100% more damage with Throw Huuma Shuriken. Inflict 100% more damage with Throw Kunai. [ Super Novice ] Max HP + 20% Matk + 20%, Inflict 20% more damage with Mammonite.
Rayray Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 Necromancer hood works, keep in mind that you have to be using the Forsaken Gunslinger Pistol(Elite weapon, 2 handed) and not the legendary OR Valis, same with the effect on Ninja(you have to be using the elite 2 handed weapon.) Care to tell us what class you are using it on?
masterneil Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 The elite wep of ninja is 1 hand if im not mistaken...
Bishop Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 The elite wepaon is 2 handed. The legendary ones are 1 handed. The necro hood only works with the 2 handed ones. Reasoning behind this is obvious I think. I'm unaware of any possible bugs with the necro hood. Please elaborate.
Shino Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 I already replied to your ticket. The answer is there but to remove the confusion that other people may have because of this post, there are two types of necromancer hood in game. The first is the one you mentioned with the class specific bonus which is obtained through the halloween event of 2010. The one you have is the one obtained in the past halloween event (2012) and it gives knight helm stats. Moving this to Help Desk and closing it as it is solved.
dexterz91 Posted August 3, 2013 Report Posted August 3, 2013 hi there, seriously i need this necromancer hood, but i cannot get a way to get this , pls help someone . i already visit token shop but disappointed also.