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Is it possible to add time interval between bc's? Maybe 10 secs? Player B has to wait 10 seceonds to bc after Player A bc-ed. That sort of thing. If it is hard to alter it thn it's fine. No big deal.

+1 so the ppl wont ABUSE BC no more =)

+1 to this. Other players spam BC and your bc will be blocked so it's better there should be delay but i prefer 5 seconds only, 10 seconds is a bit long.


+1 on this

But I prefer 5 secs as what El7 suggested :)

Players Like me Abuses the BC much .. hahaha

So yeah, Players could BC properly and so can others read the BC well :)


+1...perhaps 5 sec. will do..

i tried BC one time then as i press enter. BC says; somebody has join fro! welcome!... and i was like.. D: my bc suddenly overwritten.. adding delay on bc m ay help alot of peps to spread there message fro wide..


+1.. Its annoying when you BC then its get covered up in less than a second, its like you wasted your 1 million zeny for nothing.


+1 I have already posted a thread on this. Please dont make a new topic. rather add to that topic.

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