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Donate Goosebumps?

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ok.. for now.. i want to donate.. BUT

i dunno what to do O.O

can a 17 yr old use wester union??

iuunno what to put.. should i notify GMs when i donate??

will the money be directed at their credit cards?? or will they have to get to their own remittancfe and get it?? and will they tell me if they have recieved the money??

no offense.. but i just wanna be safe.. iunno what the process is... pleease let me know :3


If you have the money to donate, doesnt matter how old you are :)

I personally have not donated via Western union but, they should give u an automated receipt for your order and this will be sent to your e-mail almost instantly. So check your spam or inbox. You must also send an e-mail to support@forsaken-ro.net an email about your order and your game id so that they know. Once you have received ur items, You will automatically get an e-mail to confirm this. By then you should check your acc for it :)

Hope this helps :)


i have another question for the GMs ...

GM, what if i donate like $50.00, then i buy an item worth $30.00, so there is $20.00 left...

can i buy like a bunch of cards with the remaining $20.00??

just askin :3

  On 4/2/2013 at 7:46 AM, 'bboygarrison said:

i have another question for the GMs ...

GM, what if i donate like $50.00, then i buy an item worth $30.00, so there is $20.00 left...

can i buy like a bunch of cards with the remaining $20.00??

just askin :3

You can fully decide on what you want to get. So yes you can spend the rest on other available items.

  On 4/2/2013 at 7:46 AM, 'bboygarrison said:

i have another question for the GMs ...

GM, what if i donate like $50.00, then i buy an item worth $30.00, so there is $20.00 left...

can i buy like a bunch of cards with the remaining $20.00??

just askin :3

Psst.................................................................................................................................... Can I have some of the donations? Q_Q

If you have a credit or debit card you can donate via online payment options available through token shop for small amounts. If you are donating through Western Union, you will be issued a receipt in which you will find a reference number as well as the total sum you paid for. Write an email to support@forsaken-ro.net stating your:


Reference ID of your transaction

Amount you paid (if you want to claim for the transaction cost of WU donation i suggest you attach a photo of your WU receipt), and

Items you purchased

For WU transactions i believe the recipient have to pick it up from WU, not sure if more options are available in US. The rest is pretty much like what 91Dazz said.


ok ok thnx everyone :3

  On 4/8/2013 at 10:27 PM, 'Bishop said:

You can fully decide on what you want to get. So yes you can spend the rest on other available items.

umm.. example GM... what if there's $2.00 left?? i aint seen any item worth $2.00.. except the $0.10 token.. can i cash the whole $2.00 for those $0.10 per token??

  On 4/12/2013 at 5:25 PM, 'bboygarrison said:

ok ok thnx everyone :3

umm.. example GM... what if there's $2.00 left?? i aint seen any item worth $2.00.. except the $0.10 token.. can i cash the whole $2.00 for those $0.10 per token??

Hi there fella. I can see where ure coming from and all I can say is that you have slightly confused yourself. But i'll try my best to put your question at ease. To make it simple, what you see on donations is what you can donate for and obtain in game as a gift in return for your donations. So just choose from whatever u see or like in the donations area and pay for that amount using the payment options provided. If you wanna spend $2.00 then just choose whatever that amounts to $2.00 in the donations area like you said,the donations token $0.10. So if you have a budget of $2.00 then you can only redeem and donate for the 20 donation tokens. Because it is worth $2.00. But the lowest amount you can donate is $0.10 which is equal to one donation tokens. But if you would like to donate more, for example $60 then the fRO team will reward you with better items like the skull aura for your generosity. So lower the amount, the less its worth, higher the amount, better stuff u get.

Hope this isn't too confusing and Helps.


OHH :O That was i was thinking bro :3 thnx sooo much.. I AM thinking that, and i just wanted to confirm. It would be a real waste of my money if i donated too much and then there would be $2.00 left..

  On 4/12/2013 at 11:26 PM, '91Dazz_ said:

Hi there fella. I can see where ure coming from and all I can say is that you have slightly confused yourself. But i'll try my best to put your question at ease. To make it simple, what you see on donations is what you can donate for and obtain in game as a gift in return for your donations. So just choose from whatever u see or like in the donations area and pay for that amount using the payment options provided. If you wanna spend $2.00 then just choose whatever that amounts to $2.00 in the donations area like you said,the donations token $0.10. So if you have a budget of $2.00 then you can only redeem and donate for the 20 donation tokens. Because it is worth $2.00. But the lowest amount you can donate is $0.10 which is equal to one donation tokens. But if you would like to donate more, for example $60 then the fRO team will reward you with better items like the skull aura for your generosity. So lower the amount, the less its worth, higher the amount, better stuff u get.

Hope this isn't too confusing and Helps.

As my mom and dad always said, money is important and every cent counts :3

as I'm giving money to help the server, I would also like to help myself too, might sound a little selfish, but yea i just wanted to make sure :3

thanks bro, as i repeat, its the exact thing i have in mind, i just wanted to confirm if what im thinking is valid :3

just as Skipper from the movie, Madagascar..

"Problemo Solved ;)"


and also thank you for the answers :)

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