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[Solved] "sorry! You Must Be Below Level 200 To Use This Item's Original Effect!"

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I started recieving this message when I hit level 230 or so. It appears when I put points into any stat, enter or leave a zone and when I login. Whenever it happened or whatever causes it also caused my toon to sloooow way down in attack and stopped dodging anything from enemies whereas before this was happening my attack speed was very quick and I was dodging almost every attack.


You are probably using the starter set also known as Forsaken Wanderer Set. If you hit level 200 you will no longer receive the effect of the set and instead all your stats will be subtracted by 100 [-100 All Stats]. Which means, you have to unequip the set and get a new one, for example by doing the Legendary/Knight Set. We have made it so, since it's just a help for new players to level up quickly and start doing quests. The effect is pretty good and to make it fair we've set it like that.

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