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3rd classes

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I think that must be 4rth job..

Coz Whitesmith is known as 3rd job right..??

But im agreed in that new job is kindah cool :)

  Wizardry said:
lol its same 3rd job its only instead of whitesmith , its mechanic and not after whitesmith is mechanic XD lol..

No Whitesmith is Kindah 2nd job la...

Coz Merchant isnt a job its like a novice.. 1-1 >2-1>3-1 right..??

Nick said it too...


Not right Naomi. Lols.

It is still 3rd Job - As Wizardry said so.

Whitesmith is 3rd Job. Blacksmith is 2nd Job. Merchant is 1st Job. Novice is No Job.

Its still the same - Blacksmith - just instead becoming Whitesmith it can also become Mechanic.

Correct me if Im wrong.

Edited : The link is this(Old Version) that shows Merchant etc. are 1st Job.

RO Character Guide Job


Really no idea what's going on here.

I quote: "It is unclear whether: Regular second class (2-1 and 2-2) ONLY (meaning no transcendent characters) can change into 3-1 and 3-2. -OR- both 2-1, 2-2, and their transcendent counterparts can change into third classes, with higher bonuses for those who rebirth first."

1-1 Merchant > 2-1 Blacksmit > 2-1(Trans) Whitesmith > 3-1 Mechanic. (So it seems)

From what I understand, they either make us choose between Whitesmith and Mechanic, or they're doing the thing above.

It's still early to talk about it. I bet they will release them (If they do) in a year instead of "2008", cause Gravity fails.

PS. "Whitesmith is 3rd Job.", Nope.

  iHunt said:
Really no idea what's going on here.

I quote: "It is unclear whether: Regular second class (2-1 and 2-2) ONLY (meaning no transcendent characters) can change into 3-1 and 3-2. -OR- both 2-1, 2-2, and their transcendent counterparts can change into third classes, with higher bonuses for those who rebirth first."

1-1 Merchant > 2-1 Blacksmit > 2-1(Trans) Whitesmith > 3-1 Mechanic. (So it seems)

From what I understand, they either make us choose between Whitesmith and Mechanic, or they're doing the thing above.

It's still early to talk about it. I bet they will release them (If they do) in a year instead of "2008", cause Gravity fails.

PS. "Whitesmith is 3rd Job.", Nope.

Like i said..

Someone There dotn know what Trans. Class means,So he Still Justify me.. :)...

I agree with you ihunt.

And also this threads

  Wizardry said:
what hunt said doesn't make any sense cuz 2-1 is whitesmith is like after whitesmith u become mechanic and u suppose to choose between them!

And I don't make sense?



They are problably making you choose between whitesmith and mechanic. And these jobs might take a couple of months to a year before they start coming out.

  Wizardry said:
as i think so and hunt says from WS u can turn to a mechanic.. if i am not wrong. see if he permits that.

I'll fuckin' kill your ass.

I specificly told you- EITHER they make us choose, OR you can go from WS to Mechanic with additional stat points.

(-OR- both 2-1, 2-2, and their transcendent counterparts can change into third classes, with higher bonuses for those who rebirth first.)

If i'm wrong, then my english sucksballs. Big deal.



Novice -> Merchant -> Blacksmith -> Mechanic or Whitesmith.

You may not go Whitesmith THEN Mechanic.

another example

Novice -> Theif -> Assassin -> Guillotine Cross or Assassin Cross.

I played iRO and was an active member of the forums, I know doddler personally from there and he explained it to me.


I know see the most important thing i've missed: "Whether Only, Or Both".

It's retarded. One moment it doesn't make sense, then it does. Or maybe i'm just retarded. Either way, Banana!


I saw a website long ago with new classes called... Death Knight, Dark Wizard, Archbishop and many more... but i forgot what is the website... /pif


Well if you say so..

We will try the new job's then..

And just Confused Why they make that 3rd job instead of 4rth job..


If Mike is in right, i don't hope that^^(sry)

We all have to make more chars as we have atm.

I am going to make all jobs and they are 17(Gypsy in female char)

And if the new comes out like Mike said, there will be 34 chars!!!

So don't hope Mike is in right(sry)!!!



As i know that's another world like underworld and you wont have contact with this one if you make that character...

dont really like it :/


Yea thats what I have read as well; According to them its an underworld of Satan Morroc, similar to our current maps but completely custom. Just goes to show you how far from dead RO is.

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