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Programming Question

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Posted (edited)

Here's a sample logical question for aspiring programmers.

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There are two robots that will be walking in a single straight line and between them is a rock. At this time we don't know where each robot is facing, it can be on the left or right. What we know is that the following commands are available:

isHit -> if a robot hits anything this flag will be equal to true.





Question: We are task to create 1 program/pseudo-code to be loaded to both robots and our goal is to make both of them collide with each other.

Hint 1: you can use loops such as while, for-loop.

Hint 2: 4 lines of code will be enough

Prize: 100 tokens for the first one to solve it correctly :)

Edited by DeathZyte
Posted (edited)

bool isLeft;


(rand()%2) ? MoveTwoStepLeft, isLeft=true : MoveTwoStepRight, isLeft=false;


isLeft ? MoveTwoStepLeft : MoveTwoStepRight; //final steps to "climb over rock" and collide with each other.

//loops until robot hits rock. given infinite time, robots will hit the rock, even with random movement.

//i wonder what the point of the rock was?

//i wonder what the point of MoveOneStepLeft and MoveOneStepRight was?

edit: necro'd an old thread. but it's interesting enough to warrant it. >_<

Edited by Forum~

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