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Corrupted Wish

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Granted, but you couldn't see her cuz she's camoflagueing :3

I wish for a stuffed toy gm :)


Granted, but the stuff toy was too big and your parents didn't like it so they had to take it away from you.

I wish for a mango smoothie.


Granted, but there was a human finger in it, that you threw it away. :(

I wish had money for a laptop.


Granted, you do have the money but its only enough for a bad laptop.

I wish someone could give me a massage! My body hurts T~T


Granted, but the massage person, was too aggressive and starts to hurt your body even more.

I wish I have an iPhone 5

Posted (edited)

Granted, but when you opened the box, there wasn't ANYTHING in it.

I wish I had my own t.v.

Edited by Amicable

Granted, but it was a really old one that didn't work

I wish for the control of Verazilla >:)


Granted, you have control of verazilla for 1 second before she gobbles you up! xD

I wish i could eat all i want without getting fat!

Posted (edited)

Granted, but you didn't have any food to eat :3

I wish that I can camoflague onto a gm :p

Edited by ScarletDevilmoon
Posted (edited)

Granted but only for 1 melee second :3

I wish to stop animal abuse

Edited by GREEEN2908

Granted, you have stopped yourself from animal abuse but alot of people still do it :(

I wish... i was wonder woman!

Posted (edited)

Granted, but was for half a sec while flying a fell from and high height

I wish for Oreos :3

Edited by ScarletDevilmoon
Posted (edited)

Granted but it was a thief named Oreo :3

I wish to be small enough to fit in someone's pocket :D

Edited by GREEEN2908

Granted, I shrunk you down and put you in my pocket <3 But i'm quite clumsy so i trip and fall and squashed you Q~Q I'm sorry!

I wish i had healing powers.


Granted, but then it was just you that became a zombie out of the world population.

I wish I'm never late at school.


granted, if10000000 volume of alarm is turned on

i wish work is so easy


granted, but only the first 2 work is easy, the rest is super hard.

I wish i can turn monopoly money into real money.


Granted, but the real money turned into monopoly money therefore you cant use the real money.

I wish for more Monster energy drink.


Granted, but it turns out to be a biohazard and you're going to die.

I wish for a wish that couldn't be corrupted.


Granted, but you changed your mind and you wished for a corrupted wish

I wish I was small enough to pickpocket people >:)


Granted, but then you notice there was a bottle labeled "Growth Drink", which you drank and began normal sized again. :)

I wish for medicine to cure my illness. .-.


Granted, but you took the wrong medicine which labeled the ill pill, and got worst :3

I wish for what I was thinking to wish about :D!!!!!


Granted, but then you forgot, so nobody couldn't wish for your wish.

I wish for contacts.


Granted, but the contacts were jammed into your eyes that you couldn't closed them

I wish for kitty :p

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