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Past Members Of Tob

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Posted (edited)

I was thinking of remaking the guild we were all in before everyone including me became inactive. I know some of you are in some of the serious guilds in game so I wouldn't care if you guys join again using your alternates. I just want to catch up with you guys.

This message goes to all members of ToB. But specifically I wanted to talk to people who stayed.

calling out : Haruka, Niromi(if she doesn't play anymore, force her Haru)., skull, Temptation(anyone got Hansen's contact, force him back too lol). Liar(OR YOUR OTHER WEIRD FARMER CHAR Lai Ar >.<), Lena(I do not know if you still play though),

We were never a super serious guild, we used to just help newbies and let them leave the guild anyway. So I hope to just hang out again guys. :D

P.S. I still checked on all the coordinates of our hangout places, no one still seemed to use them so if you are online, try to go there, I might be there sitting

Edited by ZerO25

I hope you find the people you are searching for! Goodluck :)


I was able to find 2 people already, Haruka whom I always talk to in the forums thru messages even when I was gone and skull who I was able to contact thru Facebook. hoping really to reform though :p

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good luck sir!


that was a big ass pic for your signature..


Lai Ar here.. reporting as ordered! But I gave most of my items to other people.. D:




Because most of you guys left and I thought of looking for another server.. LOL.

I still have my FBH ;__;


i always said i will come back eventually even just to hang out lol.


Thanks, I was able to talk to about.. 4 of my old members so far. Happy to hear that they are doing well in game and in real life :D


YOU WERE GLOOMY? wow nice :D


Ya i changed my Account several times with new Character Names ^^

I know that Lena comes on to visit some old Friends, when she has the time to do it. Niro quitted already a few Years ago ^^


yeah i heard about niro. and I miss Lena.. she's the first one to call me rayray here :p


old guild, old friends just hanging out... i know the feeling!

try reaching the others by facebook, i'm trying to make some of mine old mates enter FRO lol

gl there!


ohh good. could you please message me the facebook of hansen? thanks

Posted (edited)

i would like to join champion lvl 241/180 this is my main and im woe active as well if u are interested pm me in game my ign is Bullet_Proof_Monk

Edited by Bullet_Proof

im not looking for new members, i just want to talk to my old guildies sorry.

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