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In the words of my friend:

So in one of my classes, we had just taken our first exam, and the professor had already told us there was going to be an essay portion on the test, but on the day of the test, when mine was passed to me, there was no essay portion on the exam, but I hadn't noticed until she emailed me about it and that she had given me a 0 on the test for 'cheating.' I went to talk to her and she accused me of cheating because I had 'deliberately thrown it out' so that I didn't have to do it. I tried to explain to her and ask how throwing out part of the test would benefit me in any way, but she just kept going on about how I did it and that I was a cheater, and that if I didn't admit it, I would receive a 0 in the CLASS for cheating, and that if I did admit it, she'll give me a 0 for the TEST. At the end of the term, she said she'll drop the lowest test grade, but the problem is is that I was planning on getting a letter of recommendation from this professor to continue to pre-med, and if I 'admitted' to cheating on that one exam, I probably wouldn't be able to get that letter. If I was to argue anymore about how I didn't cheat, we'd have to go down to a 'court' for straightening things out and such, which is governed by the student body, and people have been telling me that they always side with the professor and that she hasn't lost a single 'court case.' It's like she's trying to blackmail me -_____-

What should I do?

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Man in situations like this, Teachers will always have the reason. Since you are just a simple student they wont even care about if you are lying or not. Problem is, since they told you beforehand that the test had an essay exam, and you didnt told the teacher in the exam day that yours didnt had the essay part, that makes you kinda guilty of the act. So basically, what you can do is, beg to the teacher, and play the character of the guilty one because, protecting yourself for somethin that they told you before, is not the best thing to do. Good luck man.

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oh man, im sorry. =/

but but i would ask the student body the same thing as what you've been telling your professor. if they say the same thing that your professor is saying. then just tell them, im sorry, but your logic and reasoning just disgust me.

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of you knew you had a essay in the exam you should of told the professor that yours didnt have one. so you may not of done it intentionally, but you did cheat in a sense knowing that you should of had an essay. just like that episode of family guy when peter got 100k a week from the government for welfare and wasnt suppose to. he knew that wasnt right but didnt do anything about it cause he didnt do anything wrong. it would be different if you didnt know about the essay,

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Click continue. Don't quit just because someone tells you what you cannot do. Proceed and keep moving.

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