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LOL Introduction

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LOL, I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Firegarden A.K.A. Carlos (Yeah, I'm Latin)

Likes: Movies, Art, Music, Being a lazy dude, Videogames.

Dislikes: Getting Sick, Reggeton (Latinos will get this one), Fresas (Like the one before).

Also, I ask a lot of questions and my English sucks, so I would appreciate if you were pacient with me xD.


Fresa = Strawberry

Fresas are girls that wear too much pink (not necessarely), and annoying (Like that girl from Legaly Blonde, but more annoying xD).

BTW, men can be fresas too.


Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online and aff@you for not liking Reggaeton, I listen to it every day, while I sleep and when I'm in a car with my friends or in a party, oh yeah, it's blasted.

Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online and aff@you for not liking Reggaeton, I listen to it every day, while I sleep and when I'm in a car with my friends or in a party, oh yeah, it's blasted.

LOL, everyone has their own likes so yeah, enjoy Reggaeton :D.

Good luck everybody.


Hellow and Nice to met ya lahh.
I like Reggaeton ):

But lately only love songs have been coming out, which I'm ok with like in Arcangel's new CD. Mainly now that I'm basically depressed because of this situation with Ami I think this music is screwing my emotions over D:


Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online, let me or any other staff member know if you have any questions! =]

My music would make all of you come in your earpussies.

Jack Black? =P

But lately only love songs have been coming out, which I'm ok with like in Arcangel's new CD. Mainly now that I'm basically depressed because of this situation with Ami I think this music is screwing my emotions over D:

Love songs have always been coming out, you just haven't really noticed it as well till now

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