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hey guys new to fro but seems like a kick ass server! been playin for like 4 years but have a few questions about fro's equips I understand that there r donates and i checked em out but i cant find some items ( i realize most might be quest) :

what is emp aura?

rune of power

where r the usakoring, the thing that gives better cb

when ppl say S>thana for 13k, does that mean donation coupons or tokens things? and wut is the difference between thems?

and finally wtf is a ruksack?

I know thats a lot but it would be very appreciated! :)


Sawp. Welcome to the server brosef. And as for the questions:

what is emp aura? An emp aura is aura only obtainable through WoE. Which is a special drop given from castle. It adds +25 all stats. They come in a variety of colours.

rune of power? Rune of Power is basically another version of Emp aura. But instead it gives +20 all stats I think? Not to sure. It also gives other effects, but I'm unsure of it because I don't own one myself.

where r the usakoring, the thing that gives better cb? CB? Not clue. Clarify please. But a usakoring is a custom mob on this server. Real easy to obtain. It gives 35% reduction to demi humans and it goes onto shield. A lot better than thara frog.

when ppl say S>thana for 13k, does that mean donation coupons or tokens things? and wut is the difference between thems? When people say 13k, 10k etc. They're referring to tokens. Token are of course the currency on the server, and which the server is basically being run off of. If that is clear to you.

and finally wtf is a ruksack? A rucksack is basically a backpack persay.It adds +10 to all stats. It's also slotted.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Anything else?


wow thanks! that was extremely helpful! however i misspoke, i meant kingring, i believe that is the card that gives dmg on cold bolt, and how do you obtain tokens? coz obviously there's zeny for buying from merchants, but i guess tokens r different?, (one more question) i was lookin over the chemist guide coz i had never played one before and was listed that one card that is helpful is the D.wiz, which monster is that?



Kingring: I think Kingring increase magic damage by 3%? I forgot. It goes on weapons.

Token are usually obtainable by:

1:Trading players for them. Selling items etc.

2: Donatiing to the server. I think it's 10cent for 1 token? Forgot how the donation works on the server. Never donated before.

3: They're 2 different type of tokens. (Event) Token and (Donation) Tokens. They're basically the same. At least from how I see them. Sometimes people on the server gets greedy on which is better, but they're obviously the same. You may use zeny, yes. But, they're not as great as tokens. Seeing 1 token goes for about 15-20 mill. Or cheaper, depending on the seller.

D.wizard is custom mob that this server has. A MVP. The card effect gives the user to strip shield. Like 8% strip? Forgot. Kind of blurry. But yah, it's a good card for starters.


Hi! Welcome to the server! :D

Token are usually obtainable by:

3: They're 2 different type of tokens. (Event) Token and (Donation) Tokens.

&& There's 3 diff type of token actually, Event Token, Donation Token & Vote Token ( You can get Event token by winning daily event the Gm hosted or Join SOTW in forum, Donation token as Kuoch has mention and Vote token as you vote for us in forsaken-ro.net/voting. )



Welcome to te server !! ~

If you hab anymore question feel free to ask Kuoch ~

Ejejejeje (:


Hi , welcome :-D .

Ooh i remember the first time i played Fro . i had the exact same questions as you xD

So uh . if youve any worries / questions whatsoever , dunt hesitate to ask other players / gms :-D

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