Kingdom Heart Posted February 13, 2011 Report Posted February 13, 2011 It is so annoying to go to 4 different section of the map and then you have to type "Fragment of Hatred" "Fragment of Agony" "Fragment of Sorrow" "Fragment of Despair" it takes time and who know there might be a slow typer like some newbies just recently start the server and by the time he is done with 1 part, there would be other players finish the other 3 crest and the legendary Thanatos is summon and would be kill in an instance. I don't know if Thanatos mvp hp is lower, if so put it to it's original hp but please put a npc some where, so I can just have all 4 fragment ready and by 1 simple click, I get warp to a room with my summon Thanatos. Just like The endless Tower, 1 simple click is all it take. Party are welcome to get warp too and no others can enter. My English are not good but hopefully it make sense for people to understand.Also cool down should increase to 4 hours.
Halion Posted February 13, 2011 Report Posted February 13, 2011 nothx, i've got my thanatos card killing thana so many times in thana_boss, its unfair and stupid just go and hunt it like the rest of us >:(
Cerule Posted February 13, 2011 Report Posted February 13, 2011 One problem i've found is, you get all the fragments and after you've killed the last bunch of mobs you run down to the thana spawn point and someone has already killed it.
Rayray Posted February 16, 2011 Report Posted February 16, 2011 ^ happened to me 10 times last year. 1 time the person that did it got the card.. /rage
GloomyGlory Posted February 18, 2011 Report Posted February 18, 2011 Thats why i prefer killin Thana with a Friend. But a Thana Room is in my Eyes useless. If someone keased ur Thana make screens of him and of inserting the Fragments before. If the proofes are enough and show that u summoned the Thana, the GM's will do Justice.
Veracity Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Summoning Thanatos as it is now is how it was intended to be and works fine. Yes, there may be times when you get unlucky but that's just the way the cookie crumbles. There isn't enough reason or demand to implement something like this at this time. - Rejected -