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Hello OverRated. Welcome to the server! (: I hope you can make yourself at home here, and if you have any problems, don't hesitate to ask for help. Game Masters are readily available in-game, just @request for one in-game or contact me via these forums if you have any questions. I would familiarize myself with the mechanics and ways of the server and look over the Quest Section of the forums to read up about how to begin yourself on a path to success. I hope you stay with us for a long time!


Welcome to ForsakenRO :3!


Oh ... If you see me around give me a shout out .

My in-game name is Nadtorious .

I will be happy to help you. :)

The serve is fun but its hard to get people to help.

Well, hi and welcome to the server, i see you hab lots of fun alrdy. xDD;

&& yea, its kinda hard to get help, since people here's mostly went Afk or busy with their own problem. :3

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