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Hello guys. I'm new to ragnarok and am new to the server too. I am 17/m.

As the title says, I really need help from those who have experiences in relationship. I am seeing this one girl, but the problem is that words doesn't come naturally to me.

I find it hard to initiate conversations and to lengthen conversation. I do not want to appear dull and boring =(

I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner if I don't find a solution to my weakness.

Please help! I'd appreciate each and every single advice =)


Lol aww, you'll need a guy for that. I'm just posting to say... hi and welcome. :3

Guest xonchu

just stay simple and who you are :3 oh btw hi :D ~~~~~~~~~~~ like me.. i just act myself and smiles at girls who says hi to me...

~ there was one time i liked a girl and everytime she passes by i got muted~

why i did?

i pretnded to bump at her... and said "sorry" :3 ~~~

and helped her with her things and i asked her name, etc :D

Posted (edited)
Hello guys. I'm new to ragnarok and am new to the server too. I am 17/m.

As the title says, I really need help from those who have experiences in relationship. I am seeing this one girl, but the problem is that words doesn't come naturally to me.

I find it hard to initiate conversations and to lengthen conversation. I do not want to appear dull and boring =(

I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner if I don't find a solution to my weakness.

Please help! I'd appreciate each and every single advice =)

Well to keep a conversation flowing just get to know her find things you guys connect with like hobbies movies or tv shows etc. ALAWYS listen to everything she says and don't stare at her boobs it's a turn off and never bring up sex unless she do because she will think that's the only thing your after. Don't talk about things you know she ain't intreasted in one reason for knowing is when she looks at the clock, ethier she wants to know the time or she is really bored. Oh yes have confidence because a girl loves a guy with a little confidence. You want to end the conversation on a good note so she can think about you and ask for her email or phone number and be like "can I have your email or phone number so we can talk later?" if you have any question just pm me in game name is Bobby I have tons of tips, to lazy to type more since I'm on my iPhone

Edited by bankai`
Posted (edited)

Just be honest with her.

Some guys try to show off by telling thrilling/amazing experiences they had.Most of those would just be a lie,its all just to impress her.DONT DO SUCH THINGS XD.She would think your just showing off.

Just be simple,and share your annoying moments with her and laugh.Ofcourse everyone has annoying moments LOOL.Since you were honest with her,she might also also share her funny moments with you.Gradually you both get to know each other and become friends XD.

Edited by maxlittle007

avoid showing off by saying all the great things you did. like everyone said, be yourself. that's it :)


Well, first of all everyone says be yourself... this is true to the point that you don't want to give her a false idea of who you are but don't go overboard with this, yourself when your hanging with your guy friends is most likely going to be different than when you're with her... You shouldn't be spilling out every detail of yourself either. If you want the relationship to work and to last try hard to focus on what she says and remember it... It's ok to debate things or have a different point of view but be respectful of hers...

As far as conversation... just think of a topic that you find really interesting... she doesn't necessarily have to understand it as long as you really care and are passionate about it she'll probably still respect you and find it interesting as well. You don't want her initiating all of your conversations so try to remember the topics she brings up and think of similar ones later.

Example: I talk financial markets to girls who don't even know what a bond is and they still seem to enjoy it. Girls I hang around tend to be big into sciences (Biology/Chemistry) so I ask random science questions... just get them talking.

If you're having problems thinking of things to say on the spot then think about it when you're alone or have free time... make notes, write out thoughts that you have or even write her something (girls love that). A sure fire way to get a girl to talking your head off is to ask her about herself. "How are you? / How was your day? / What do you think about ____?.... etc.."


Thank you SO MUCH guys!! I rly appreciate what all of u had given me. Please add more if you have the time, I will keep looking for new input from you in this post from time to time =)

Em, I hope I can hear from the point of view of girls, too. Ty!


I'll say something and this is like to girls too.

Don't be someone you're not just to impress the one you like. Like what everyone said, just be yourself. If you really want to have a good relationship, find someone that will accept you for who you are. OH, and if you like someone right now but he/she won't accept you for who you are then leave them. Lol. They're not good for you. :P

I'm not like a relationship expert (in fact, I'm like the opposite) or anything but that's what I think. Hehe, kbye! :biggrin:

Lol I now know what guys do. :laugh:

Agree with Hannah ! Like they say "It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not." From personal experience ... the more that you worry/try to impress someone, the worse it goes ! Just lighten up and instead focus on getting to know her better and have fun with her. Don't take everything so serious !! Once you learn this, you will be a lot happier. [:

yah thats right,, you must be who you want yourself to be..in order for this girl yo like you.. ^_^


If this girl is worth investing your time in, she'll appreciate you for who you are. If not, then there will only be hardship if you continue to pursue her. Remember man, you're pretty young and you have a lot of time ahead of you for these things. ^^


What's wrong with falling you can always get back up and learn from your mistake. My mistake in life is what made me stronger and who I am so don't get sad if you're rejected.

Posted (edited)
What's wrong with falling you can always get back up and learn from your mistake. My mistake in life is what made me stronger and who I am so don't get sad if you're rejected.

When you truely love a girl and you guys care for each other,share your happiness and sorrows.Then you want her to be your fiance and live together forever.In that case when you get rejected due to some reason then its like falling from a great height,you cant easily get up from that.You could try again,but you cant force her to love you.So when its a true love relationship,then rejections are hurtful.Thats why we should take lots of time in choosing the person we love.

On the other hand ,the people who easily accept rejections are not truely in a relationship.Its more like they just wanna impress a girl/boy,then make her/him your gf/bf and then have fun/pleasure.And they break up after a week or month.Its just a puppy love just to get rid of temporary boredom.


You guys might think i am a weirdo saying all those,but still thats how i feel.

Edited by maxlittle007
Posted (edited)
Hello guys. I'm new to ragnarok and am new to the server too. I am 17/m.

As the title says, I really need help from those who have experiences in relationship. I am seeing this one girl, but the problem is that words doesn't come naturally to me.

I find it hard to initiate conversations and to lengthen conversation. I do not want to appear dull and boring =(

I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner if I don't find a solution to my weakness.

Please help! I'd appreciate each and every single advice =)

My advice is to knock her out with a club, bring her home to your bed and when she wakes up if she stays its meant to be or if she leaves dont waste your time chasing her. BEWARE OF COPS KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR!!!!!!!!

Nah just kidding don't do this. All you got to do is man up and ask her out for a cup of coffee or something. And just talk to her (its not like you're making love to her, and ask her about her life to learn more about her)

Edited by SithKnight
If this girl is worth investing your time in, she'll appreciate you for who you are. If not, then there will only be hardship if you continue to pursue her. Remember man, you're pretty young and you have a lot of time ahead of you for these things. ^^
Hello guys. I'm new to ragnarok and am new to the server too. I am 17/m.

As the title says, I really need help from those who have experiences in relationship. I am seeing this one girl, but the problem is that words doesn't come naturally to me.

I find it hard to initiate conversations and to lengthen conversation. I do not want to appear dull and boring =(

I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner if I don't find a solution to my weakness.

Please help! I'd appreciate each and every single advice =)

This advice is coming from somebody who is a lot older then you... trust me... I am probably the oldest person on this server.


My advice is simple really.

Just be yourself. Thats it really.

If you talk about video games and she isn't interested, then she isn't the one. If she gets "bored" by you talking to her about your interests (especially if she isn't contributing anything to a conversation), she isn't the one. If she isn't interested in what you have to say, then she isn't the one (and probably a little diva bitch also). If she is really into you, she won't be bored of anything you have to say. Thats the beauty of young love. Everything is exciting and interesting... unless of course she's a little diva bitch. Then its all about her... but I digress.

Also man. You don't need to always start the conversation. You don't want to get into the habbit of always trying to start it cause frankly after awhile you will just run out of things to say, and she won't say anything, and you two will just sit there staring at each other. However funny that maybe for the rest of us, its going to make you feel like shit. Then you're going to get self consience, then you're going to doubt yourself, then you're going to drive yourself crazy thinking about it. Stop it!

You're young. Just go with it. If you feel like you're putting too much effort into it, then honestly man its probably not worth it.

Its never easy when you're starting out.

Trust me bro, its not going to get any easier with age. Wait til you're in your 30's and single. But at least I can drink :P

Hope it helps man, good luck.


Be a dick and don't be a pussy.

I'm serious. As messed up as it sounds, girls love being treated like shit. Lure her into a convo by being yourself and not being so nice and stuff cause then she'll ONLY SEE YOU AS A FRIEND. So you've gotta be kind of messed up. Then don't call or text her. Wait until she texts you. Make her want you.

Hello guys. I'm new to ragnarok and am new to the server too. I am 17/m.

As the title says, I really need help from those who have experiences in relationship. I am seeing this one girl, but the problem is that words doesn't come naturally to me.

I find it hard to initiate conversations and to lengthen conversation. I do not want to appear dull and boring =(

I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner if I don't find a solution to my weakness.

Please help! I'd appreciate each and every single advice =)

I'm sure plenty of us (was/were/will/still) in the same situation as you. I remember when I had the same problem a you. But good thing I overcome this situation and got better at it. You can still try to impress someone with stuff that you can do but be yourself and impress them with what you can do. Get to know her better. Ask her what she likes to do and make her laugh. If you get to the point where you have nothing else to say and you can't think of anything, comment her. By comment, I mean like "I like your shirt" "Your eyes are pretty" "You have a nice smile". And do not lie anything about you. Ask her what type of music she likes or listen to. Don't be shy or act scared around her. You and her are both humans. Be like "Wow your hands are so small and cute" (once you get to touch her hands and feel it, play with it). Hold her hands and swing it around. If she is shy, that's good! You get to start off with things and make her feel more closer to you, then she won't be shy at all. Don't do all these too fast. You'll know when you have to do it. Sometime it's better to get advices from the same sex as you because the boys experienced and really do this stuff to the girls. Girls have seen people done this or to them or from movies. Just saying but yeah. Don't say I'm bored or stuff like that. Just find something to do with her. These are just some stuff you should know or do. There's allot more but start off with the basic stuff you think you should do first. Take everything slow. Don't be too serious about it.


Whip out the penis and say suck it!

no im kidding dont she will run away unless she down for it


just be yourself no matter what just make small talk or maybe find some things she and you both enjoy. dont be the person you are arent. Like dont say you love puppies if you dont. Be yourself if she doesnt like you for you then its her lose. at the end of the day someone will like you for you.

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