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Concentrated Speed Potions

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Posted (edited)

I suggest that the drop rate for concentrated speed potions should be higher than what it is now (I dunno what the drop rate is right now, all I know is that it's low). I get like 1.5k speeds in 2 hours and that's not much. For me it's easier to farm normal speeds than conc. speeds, but conc. speeds last longer which is good so it's better. If I farmed normal speeds for 2 hours in the turbo room, I'd get more than twice the amount if I farmed using the pass. IMO, the drop rate should be higher.

Normal speeds is harder to farm since you have to go through all that stuffs, and conc. speeds is easier since all you have to do is get the mobs and SG them or whatever. BUT normal speeds is faster. Either the drop rate goes up, or the price goes up to 100 concentrated speed potions : 3 donation coupons.

Not many people farm using the pass though. lol.

Edited by Hannah

What are concentrated speed potions. o.O Was this implemented after I got my accounts banned? o.o


5%. & I think it's fine. Turbo room, you gotta repeat the quest over and over. Speed Dun is still better and kinda faster. But there should be a Concentraded Speed Potion ticket for player to actually see that. People don't broadcast for these. Only broadcast for Normal Speed Potion 1:2. If they sell these, they broadcast S>Concentrated Speed Potion 100:3 ratio.


@Annie; They were implemented when the Renter NPC was implemented, which was implemented when you were banned I think. Lol.

@Som; Well, I think like the drop should be like just a little bit higher (8%? :P). Ohh and I thought people sell conc. speeds for 100:2. Anyways, the concentrated potion ticket suggestion was accepted, but they haven't made it yet. I've been waiting too. -.-"

@Som; Well, I think like the drop should be like just a little bit higher (8%? :P). Ohh and I thought people sell conc. speeds for 100:2. Anyways, the concentrated potion ticket suggestion was accepted, but they haven't made it yet. I've been waiting too. -.-"

We got 5% Now.

It should get higher like 15%?

Since the Seed is 30% D:

Or smth. :x

Posted (edited)

It's the one who's hunting C.Speed Pot's choice whether to sell at 100:2 or 100:3. Also some people actually look for the new pots for 100:3.

But personally I think the room's % is fine. It's ease of use of the dungeon vs the shitty race you have to repeat over and over again. 1500/2h isn't so bad, I know someone who got 2k/2h. Plus the duration of CSPots makes it worthwhile.

Make the % too much, more will drop, easier to supply the demand (if there's any), more competition, prices end up at 100:2, worst case, 100:1.

Note: It HAS happened in the normal speed room, before, people didn't have to finish the race (1 less step) to spawn the monsters again, in some cases they can stack the monsters too, makes farming faster, I actually bought around a hundred Speed Tickets at 100:1. What a steal. Heh.

Edited by Cirrus
Posted (edited)

I got 1k in Speed Room in 2h. D:

and 1.8k in the Turbo room. :s.

But im lazy to keep warping for farmin in Turbo Room, that's why we should add some % in the Speed Room :)

Reason for edit : Forget to add smth. :(

Edited by Poringly

It might be a little less but making it higher would annoy me since they would sell less :p. i already hate having to sell seeds at 4:1 to be honest.


5% of chance in a donating dungeon with a time limited ticket ( x Hours ) is not fair, we have a free speed room and get the same number of the item in the same time, we need more % of chance in that case.

so 10/15% is fair, speed pots is always in demand, and people demand more and more every day, i dont really care about the economy of speed tickets!!!


Haha. Well, if they go up to 10% or something, I think the price will still be 100:2 cause you'd probably get the same amount in 2 hrs if you farmed in turbo room for 2 hrs. This is just my opinion though. Some people might be new to the turbo room so they're kinda slow at farming there, like you have to remember warps and everything.


Maybe a little boost would be good but idc u still make a profit when selling them and even if ur not there more worth it becuase it lasts longer

Haha. Well, if they go up to 10% or something, I think the price will still be 100:2 cause you'd probably get the same amount in 2 hrs if you farmed in turbo room for 2 hrs. This is just my opinion though. Some people might be new to the turbo room so they're kinda slow at farming there, like you have to remember warps and everything.

But count in the fact that you have to pay to go into speed room.


We don't control what price it sells for, but the drop rate is fine as it is and won't be changed for now.

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