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Ultimate Weapon

Emp Upgrade

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Maybe he needs boost cuz can't get on his own way hehe

Bit harsh, but may be true.

The thing beside the OP here is that if they give +5 more stats to emp, then ppl will want those +5 stat buff for the other auras and so on.

This would inevitably happen.

You need an upgrade cause you suck that much?

Theres no change necessary to emperium auras they're already op as it is.


Harsh Darren >.< .

Emp: 30 Allstats

Gold Valk: (with Fset complete+15 allstats) 4 slotts inmunity to coma/stone/freeze and Boots and belts of your opponents has a chance to be destroyed (20% chance)

Belts: 2 Slotts

Teal and White Rucksack: +50 Speed wall & +20 allstats

O.o sarcasm ftw.


awwww i know that rainbow emp ... but I CANT USE THEM YET!!!!! :( xD

so damned hot!

Mac i♥Joo


Not needed. Every other aura that is isn't Dragon Aura is good enough that they do not need a boost, especially EMP aura. If you were here a long time ago, you will be glad of emp aura or any other aura for that matter. :)) and buffing emp aura is a stupid suggestion to be honest(no offense). We do not need to buff up every item you have just because you can't use them well.


nooo too op i disagree


Emperiums already do more than enough. Adding all stats makes things OP, we are trying to move away from this. The effect of emps are not going to change.

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