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....Hey to all on Fro...

I guess im just gonna say a few things huh?

Well, im not a N00b at RO games, bout 6 years back i was a pretty hard core RO player.... then no net access killed all that... so this is the first time in over 6 years that i have started another RO account...

Im polite and somewhat withdrawn and im just here to kill defenseless porings and other n00b monsters cos i like it...

So yeah, hi to all.


LOL haha hey crimzon nice to meet you :thumbsup_still:


Welcome, please enjoy your stay. <<< LOL.

Hope you pawn n00bs like me. /gg


.....Ja.....n00b....right, some how i highly doubt that -R e i -.-

And it's nice to meet you too Niromi.

Wow....the froums are so much nicer than In-game.......guess thats cos there arent any sprites to use as tools of mass murder, huh?


Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have great time playing the game and you make a lot of new friends & family in the game. If you any questions, do not hesitate to post it here in the forum. If you have any technical problems, you can post your questions in the " Support Section " and if you have any questions about RO in general, like builds, cards, stats, classes, and etc etc, You can post it in the " Discussions Section ". Please do share your thoughts and ideas on how to improve the game experience in the " Suggestion Section ". You can ask a GM personally in the game( depending on the time, which GM are online at that certain time ) by typing @request "Your Questions". Good luck playing the game. Hope to see you soon.

Cool, a mate from down under. I know another one named UglyDuckling in the forum lol. Nice to meet ya.




Nah, I'm really a n00b.


Heh, Im all popular and stuff..... Wow..... You know, this is the first time ive posted in the "New Beginings" section without being abused. Thanks all.

So, im not the only Ausie on this server then? That is a damn miracle. Us Ausie's are spread so thin over the Thousand's of RO servers it aint funny.

Hi to - Edelweiss - And Analysis^^


Hi. I'm Perishable


Hello, welcome to the server.

If you need anything, or have questions; feel free to ask.

Heya to you too ~Candy~

Sup? Do you like the server? If you have any question, plz pm =D


Nice to meet you. Hats are pretty cool.


@ kuoch: Nice to meet you, and thanks for the offer^^

@ ~Candy~: Not much, sadly. I do like the server....although, it IS a little confusing. But im learning. Thanks for the offer also.

@ Lao: Nice ta meetcha. But.....whats witht he hats thing?

@ Lao: Nice ta meetcha. But.....whats witht he hats thing?

I dunno, man. I guess you can say it's my thing. Or something.


Hey I'm Aim,, sup dude?

welcome to FRO forum and server :thumbsup_still:

@ ~Candy~: Not much, sadly. I do like the server....although, it IS a little confusing. But im learning. Thanks for the offer also.

Hahaha yea, that always happens xD It happened to me the same thing.

But once you understand it, it's fun..

Well, good luck.



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