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I am so bored right now. If you're bored, read this story.

A Street, Canada.

Somdara: Crazy sh*t! He's lucky they didn't shoot his ass down right there.

Gerald:Thats what he gets for f*cking killing someone.

Kevin: ahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahah hellll yeahhh hahahahahhahahahaha

Somdara: Do you remember how Hitler and his nazi thugs behaved?

Gerald, Kevin: Yea

Somdara: Thats one of those good old fashioned 3rd world country beatdowns.

Gerald: dat juz crzy!!!

Kevin: I wonder wat he do though....

Somdara: He was a theif and he killed someone.

Kevin: But why the whole mob gotta mob his ass like that?

Gerald:Maybe becuz they luv the girl or guy dat he murdered?

Charlie: No no no. The guy got caught f*king with some donkey..

Somdara: Yeah right, SMD.

Charlie: ya menz. den da F*king plane drop bags of rice and it fell on him from 300 ft up from da US Helicopter.

Somdara: Dude, what the hell are you smoking.

Charlie: iunno. It can happen man

Kevin: charlie, you r f*cking stupid.

Charlie: take a f*cking joke you piece of shit.. Damn, take sh*t too damn seriously!

Kevin: ur f*kin stupid hes a murderr he killed some body retart "stoled a sheep or somthing" ur a stupid ass.

Charlie: like im suppose to kno that.. they should kill that motherf*cker...

ahahaha it was f*cking funny. I was close man!! donkey > Sheep ahahah

Gerald: jesus!!when you kill someone be ready for jungle justice..

Somdara: Wild apes haha

A hobo : hate black shit... Back to Africa and there live and die.

Somdara, Gerald, Kevin, Charlie: the f*ck?, who u? da fk u want?

A hobo: you herd me.

Somdara: Dude. You mind your own bussiness.

A hobo: dat nigga got off lucky, i would've left with his nutts. He murdered this wealthy family.

Somdara: Ah... So that's why these angry mobs is like up on him.... and how the f*ck do you know?

Kevin: wat does dat have to do with the crzy mob?

A hobo: I was there.

Charlie: kjbekjahuuuuuuaaaaaa why the fuck were they so pissed about:)))))))))))))..fuck trashcan in the fucking head..one guy hit him with a fucking table!!!!fuuuucckkk:)))))))))

Somdara: oh yeah! the f*cking table lol

Kevin: f*cking animals LOL

Charlie: They were trying to turn him into a shishkabob.

Kevin: here we go again.. f*ck u charlie! I dont want to hear this anymore.

Somdara: Ok guys, STFU. Right now, we're trying to find out what really happen.

Gerald: all i herd waz Why did you kill him, you didn't have to kill him"

Da murderer: "I didn't, wasn't me"

"But you've got the pistol, they gave you the pistol"

Da murderer: "No, you got it all wrong"

That's pretty much it.

Somdara: Dude. ._.; Even though he murdered someone, I was all like "Damn". Angry f*cking city mob LOL

Charlie: thats because he cut of a womens boobs then killed her. the guy needed her breast to drink milk. he was poor cuz he nid milk

Kevin: Oh my f*cking god! Charlie, this sh*t aint funny u piece a sh*t!

Charlie: :D! *Smile*

Somdara: LOL. F*cking charlie man, don't you feel bad for the guy?

Charlie: n0p! I herd da murderer died cuz they cut his head off and took off his clothes then fragged him.

Kevin: Wow, im bout to kick ur ass man. or get an angry mob like dat on u, u f*cking jew.

Somdara: LOL, you're being f*cking racist now. You guys are F*cking ridiculous.

A hobo: hey can u guys spare me some money? i been here all day and im hungry.. please man?

Kevin: >.>

Gerald: LOL! this hobo man

Somdara: Yeah sure, here.

a hobo: haahahahah you guys r f*cking stupid!! I was the murderer and people thought it was that poor guy.. I needed the money so I can escape the country. thank u guys anyways.

Somdara: Holy f*ck!! what did I just do.

Gerald, Charlie, Kevin: nice move dumbass.

To be continue!


LOL. I got so bored, so I made it up. But like charlie said!! It can happen!!!




What an imagination! /no1


LOL I am so damn freaking lost but I can't help myself but LOL at this man. Nice work Dude.

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