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My Forsaken Dungeon Pass Was Bugged

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When I deleted my character my fdun was still in it, thats how I lost mine. I didn't get it back.


Yes butthat was your carelessness. Would everyone understand how the script of the f dun pass works. Especially since it not something greatly expressed about. For all the girl knows its an item you keep using over and over and it never runs out. How was she to know it would disappear using it with her weight over 100 % ?? who is she to know this. And im sure at least 50% for the servers population is oblivious to this. So technically it was her fault but on what grounds ? I still think the mere fact the f dun pass in unreliable in that there is a posibility to loose it in using it, is not her fault.

For someone to work hard for hours to get an item that they are assured will never part from their soul, and then it does. lol its kind of hard. Especially to those here who have nothing but that f dun pass.

A suggestion. additionall script to the fdun pass. if weight > 90% then error message, else continue script

sudo code lol

Please Block the option to rebirth if you are overweight same as decard, coz somethimes this happens and you need a support for that (GM team).

maybe if you make a suggestion like if you are overweight or 50% Ow you shouldnt change job or something like this!

Those seem like suggestions to me ? I said an suggestion was brought up. I didn't say the topic maker made an suggestion to change the jobchanger.

Also zac, I would say it's 100% obvious you can not regain an item when you're over 100% weight limit, I think this is not unknown to 50% of all the people that play here. 100% weight means you can't carry anything else.

A suggestion. additionall script to the fdun pass. if weight > 90% then error message, else continue script

You guys should start an official suggestion about this, instead of only saying it in here.


yes it is obvious that u cant carry another item at 100% weight. But what im saying is, the majority are not thinking the item disappears and is then given back to you... for all they know, its just allowing them to warp around fdun. So yes its obvious that 100% weight = no more items. but in terms of how the fdun pass works, i belive quite a bit of people wont be sure about it therefore they cant assume it wont be given back to them if they use it at 100% weight. yes now if they read this topic they can be aware of how it works and will be careful, however what about months from now, and this topic is burried. Then some poor unsuspecting newbie person suffers the same fate.

The point is people are not going to assume how the item works and will consider it when using it, and thats not their fault.

You can't blame a spanish person for not knowing how to speak english lol. If that analogy makes any sense =.=


Lol! I thought most of the people playing here in fRO knows how f.Dun Pass works! I mean, do they even notice that whenever you warp in f.dun you see above "Forsaken Dungeon Pass 1 obtained blahblah"??


lol i suppose. but i wont put it past anyone to not know lol. You really think they would think if they use their fdun pass at 100% weight that it would disappear. You have to admit people wont think about that. It shouldnt have that flaw to begin with. There should be a safe guard for that.


It occurred to them once, they should be aware of it now.


Yes "They" will be aware of it now. what about the future people who come to this server to play ?


I'm sure that they won't always have full inventory :)

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