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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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:D does anyone play it? If so add me on XBox 360 GT: Chris x3 Rena


I'll add you i suck tho men DX

GT: SuperRican2 if anyone else wants to know


Yah he seriously does suck i play with him and he blows major donkey balls lol. my GT is Bloodnines i r sxc at mw2 lol

GT: Cosmo&Wanda

Ur too young for this game timmy, it's 3 and up.


i used to play on ps3 and own sh** but then i moved and not only do i NOT have the ps3 anymore i dont have home internet.

I have failed.

Also as far as cod goes the last one was hella fun with teh nazi zombies except no1 ever played with me /sob


Oh men I got MW2 when Black OPs came out . ¬___¬

I too poor to get Black Ops

Still playing MW2 , Still sux .

GT : AymNoob


Any MW 2 Gamer on PC here?

and too all who say mw 2 sux, every CoD got his advantages and disadvantages. CoD 4 sucks, but Promod and Sniping are ok. BO is awesome too, but needs a few more patches.

MW 2 sux of the IWNet System and no dedicated Server, but it also got unskilld Persons, who are easily to kill :)


Modern Warefare 2 is still a fun game if you play with your friends and you can get passed all the noobtubes and everything that reduces the gameplay quality/fun.


Seraphine is totally right. Its a Game which u should play with your Friends to dominate Tuber Noobs :)

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