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woe is much better if we know who broke the emp and what guild broke the emp.It makes thing more easier for us to know what cards to use to do more damage on the emp too..But we can't see our damage


If you were breaking for a long time, you would know some methods to know your damage in woe(false angels). so having no damage shown in woe is a good thing to reduce some lag.


1) No need to re-enable damage.

2) Agreed with the name system though. Just do it like before, the castle-only blue text.

"The emperium has been broken by <breakernamehere>." or something like that.

Why? The last hit is who breaks the emp, not the most damage. The only reason it would be added in was for self-gratification purposes, lol.

Also can be added for pure bragging rights. And there's also some guilds out there who award their players with ~special~ items if they get a castle at the end of WoE.


The damage was disabled because of lag complaints. Get used to it this way, it's a lot better for most people.


New announcement system was implemented.

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