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Balance The Serv...

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Ok i just read the first page of the 3rd classe and im not gonna talk about that but what about the ppl said about the GM ``Balancing`` the classes.. its all bullshit ( alchy homonculus is off because it was being abused... ) Star Glad got Jump off when its woe time ( cause of all the breaking at every 30 sec thats what ive been told )... but how bout the other classes ??

SinX: EDP should be took off makes too much dommage and too much abused...

Champ: Asura way too abused look at the number of Champs on serv that ONLY DOES THAT !!!

Snipe: should be more then 1 arrow ( its not realistique )

High Priest: Holy Light ( why not ? )

All im saying is... if you take some skill that are being used too much on the serv for 1 or 2 classes... DO IT TO EVERY CLASSES


Snipers arent really that much of a threat to anyone >.> also snipers can't carry that much items.

HP only have HL as their offensive skill.

For Sinx, use undead armor?o.o oh yea there's BoS -change armor?

Asura is the only one I hate.

Posted (edited)

I agree that certain classes have an extremely unfair advantage.

But you have to realize that if we take off Asura, EDP, and Holy Light, that we would lose a HUUGE chunk of our population. The main reason I joined this server is because I wanted to see what it was like to be 255. and I learned that fighting using EDP and Asura is really exciting and fun. Even though they have an advantage, you can't just take away the 2 most used skills in the game just because people find loopholes to abuse them.

But I do agree that they use it way too much, maybe they can nurf it somehow. Like you can only use EDP like every 4 mins or something. Or you can only use Asura once every 10 seconds, but hey that's just my suggestion.

Edited by Cyconsupersonic
  Cyconsupersonic said:
I agree that certain classes have an extremely unfair advantage.

But you have to realize that if we take off Asura, EDP, and Holy Light, that we would lose a HUUGE chunk of our population. The main reason I joined this server is because I wanted to see what it was like to be 255. and I learned that fighting using EDP and Asura is really exciting and fun. Even though they have an advantage, you can't just take away the 2 most used skills in the game just because people find loopholes to abuse them.

But I do agree that they use it way too much, maybe they can nurf it somehow. Like you can only use EDP like every 4 mins or something. Or you can only use Asura once every 10 seconds, but hey that's just my suggestion.

There was a server that forces you to have your enemy's hp to about 1/4 then you can asura, or do a certain amount of combo first and then you can cast asura.

They can make Poison bottles rare? though it's gonna fxcked up the eco. XD

Posted (edited)

Asura is easy to reduct and its not expensive to do. Sinx do high dmg and receive also high. About arrows... Its high rateMan it would be annoying... Never ending arrows are ok and it weight only 1 instead of 1•500or sth, that help in

holding yggs. In my opinion server is well ballanced now(i am here ocet 2 years

Edited by Adamxd

Yeah play the damn game, stop complaining. The server did alot for us already.


All he's asking for is balance. It takes alot to find another server, especially when they're run by idiots.

This server isn't bad, it's just the fact that alot of classes are OP. And he makes an extremely great point, if you change one thing, you've gotta change everything to make it more balanced.

Yeah, we have a pretty good population, but do you think that people are going to want to join a server when it's unbalanced? Noep.


Its getting better and better, pallies were nefred champs, sinx's sb many other things... and weaker classes were boosted. I tihnk if you are good player every class is good despite wizz.


Theres one thing which i dont like though.. valkyrie randgris which pawns all lord knights.


If new guys are finding it hard to start here, then things have changed when I started. Probably because most guys when I started are helpful. I mean really, really helpful. now only a few does that. people tend to ignore new guys in fcity asking questions. The server is not unbalanced as others, but still far from balanced. I mean, look at the mage branch class and gypsies hp right? but yeah, if we are gonna change one thing, we need to change everything. not instantly but slowly would do.


Our development system is up, but we still have to upload/fix all files.

Further, a priority list is being made on accepted suggestions.

Modifications should come and also more frequently, the biggest problem is having suggestions saying, there has to be a better way to balance the game play, yet the way to do that never is mentioned.

People are being too vague in what they want, so we can't be specific in when we will finish either.

The result is good if the feedback is positive, if we just get, it sucks or whatever, we're clueless what to change.

Posted (edited)

well, things goes like this most of the time, when someone suggest somethin useful, GMs take a while to evaluate without any update or answer, when someone suggest somethin vague, GMs say that vague wont help them...1 step at a time, heres some usefull stuff, lets see when THOSE will get implemented...if so.

1º GTB change it from inmunity to magic to 50% redux on magic, so casters have a chance overall, not just depend on a shield switch to nullify them completly

2º Some redux on the Elite Sniper/GS weapons, since they cant carry shields, i think those classes who depends on 2h wpns should have a boost in Demi human redux on their weapon, no shields + low HP makes them glass cannons (as if they were even cannons...)

3º Allow taekwon n ninja to have jump n shadow leap during WOE, if u wanted 2 prevent Emp breaking in 30 secs cuz their Jumps , any Sinx can do that already with speed potions n tons of redux... im tired to see WOEs with only 4 classes

4º Some updates on Event Prizes or Voting Prizes wouldnt hurt....its been almost 3 months without useful updates imo

u dont have to be all negative n say, nooo this changes r too unbalancing too overpowered too blablabla....just try it for a week....if server adapts fine...then cool, if not...revert it... simple as that, how many good suggestions u guys had, but never applied cuz just by reading it seems unlikely to happen ? who knows eh

Edited by Oppa

It is because we tried 1 & 3 of your list and it was instant crying and people kept going on for days.

About suggestion 2 & 4, they are exactly what I meant, do 'some' reductions on 2 handed weapons; 'some' updates on vote & event prizes.

The crowd wants more, but what we give them isn't what they want, without the correct feedback, we aren't able to satisfy that need.

The trac system is almost done, hopefully by the end of this weekend I can confirm it's completion, from that moment it'll be smoother for the to initiate (faster) development.


i believe feedback is done when the patch/update its implemented n its on its trial period... u cant spect a feedback of something noone can even try yet...what would b the feedback bout ? i think....i guess....i hope....i wonder.... thats not an accurate feedback IMO, implement whatever u have, try it for 1-2 weeks... n ull get the feedback u need when ppl actually TRY it, post the ideas on a topic wont give u anything useful


I wasn't provoking a discussion, but as you wish, we'll modify things at our discretion without inquiring what the public wants.

We want to give the public a chance to have some meaning, it's a server they are playing and we want to give everyone a wonderful gaming experience.

Thanks for your posts and we will go do it trial-and-error from now on then.

Posted (edited)

Sigh, I could care less about any nerfs that happens right now. Server is already changing enough already.

But other than that, I think the server is fine atm. I don't see any problem really. Just gotta learn how to switch in-between gears and you're fine. No problem after you get that down.

Edited by kuoch

Either way, no matter what you do. People are going to QQ.

If you change anything that messes up a SinX / Champ / LK. Then you're in for a ton of QQ.

If you want to make the game more balanced, make it so that ALL CLASSES can be used in a balanced way. The last I heard, Jorge was thinking about making the MAGIC classes able to Melee. They're MAGES for a reason, let's start treating them as classes, and not just as farmers.


Sketchy angel said : Either way, no matter what you do. People are going to QQ.

Talking to you GM . When Gravity made the game THE CLASSES where probably already balanced, so why all; the change ya i know we are on a HR but still they were balanced now they are not. like if id be a pro in informatique and all that stuff and id have a HR id be the same then this one with all the gears/card change BUT i wouldnt touch to the classes... If they were made like that, its cause theres a reason.



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