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Regarding Alliances In Woe

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I dunno if this has already been resolved but, I suggest we disable breaking alliances when WoE is still going on. Some might call it strategy but I disagree. This has been done a few times as I recall, but not consistent that is why no one was complaining about it. Well go on and flame me if you disagree but please give some reasons behind it.


It shouldn't be possible to create new alliances during WoE as far as I'm aware of (or it used to be like that), but I have never thought about breaking it.

The suggestion seems fair, on the other hand, pick your alliances well or expand your guild yourself, don't allow a security breach from the inside, it's partially your own responsibility.


The problem is people are becoming too greedy of the castle drops for some reason :D. Even if you ally a guild you trust, they could still choose to break the alliance once you got the castle right? With woe going on, you wont be able to notice it, until they break your emp when defending for the last minute then boom they get the castle. Thanks for the reply Sensation. I hope it gets accepted though. To prevent more dirty tactics in WoE.

Posted (edited)

Im sorry even though your right, Any many would agree, Sensations makes more sense in terms of leadership qualities for a guildmaster to decide and this being a PK type server. Its just pure strategy and the right decesion making wont let it happen to you. Dynasty Warriors 6 anyone?

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer eh?

Edited by Mojaysincross

You can't actually break (right-click, remove) alliances during WoE, if I recall correctly, have you ever tried it?

The thing these people do is keep their antagonist list open, and switch them over there to "break" alliances.

Though I disagree. It's your responsibility to have allies that will STAY allies. All about strategy. Why would the system stop betrayals? Stop, or prevent them, yourselves. It's gonna be on their name too. "Blahblah guild is known for turning on allies." Then in the future, don't ally them, nor trust very easily. As much as it would "hurt," hello, RO is just a game. (zomg flames coming!!!11)


I'm just saying it is an underhand strategy. We already banned some actions regarding WoE(dealing in woe or putting up chat rooms in the emp) why not this one? And would it hurt if we try doing my suggestion? Not unless you guys want to try it to get the castles yourselves right? I am not saying the GMs should prioritize this one(there are a lot of things to do first) I am just hoping for some consideration.


The chats are visible to all of us (kill the player and it's gone too though), the dealing prevents you from moving, but you have /nt(notrade) for that.

Yet the alliance swapping isn't visible to us, you can @changeleader and they can do it instead of the original one, are we supposed to ban whole guilds?

Posted (edited)

When you change leader during WoE time you cant use guild skills.

And the dirty tricks about Alliances are, when a guild got a castle then the other one set as their antagonist and automatically it erased from their Alliances....

What Zygie said its true, if they really you allies they wont betray you with such a dirty tricks.

Edited by SeNzz

Well you can't remove an ally in WoE right? and you can't ally in WoE. Than I am just suggesting that we shouldn't be able to set Antagonists in WoE too.


I've experienced a break in alliance during WoE, maybe a year and a half ago, and it was cheap and selfish. The word Ally contradicts the betrayal of deciding when you're allies or not.

I thought one couldn't break alliance in WoE any longer. But if it is possible, then WoE should be a frozen period, where you can't ally, unally, set antagonists or remove them.

Yes, no?

Posted (edited)
If we were to disable alliances during WoE, would that affect to GvG as well? Considering as how GvG has the same "settings" as WoE does. Edited by Venus

Thanks GMs! n_________n


Last woe, I can break alliance during woe. I broke alliance with some Koolkidzguild something... HEH


Yeah I know you agreed Exhibition, that's why I thank you guys :D.


i strongly agree with this.Not even 2 week ago my guilds ally broke ally 2 min b4 woe ended and broke our emp.To me its pretty much a suck punch because none of use were watching for allies.But the best part is they got the castle then after woe was over the leader of the other guild say he was sry but it was stratigy,LOL.But it would be very nice to not worry about ur allies stabbing u in the back at the last minute.

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