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gerrard mino

Pro Hp Gears For Survivability During Woe And Pvp

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for a pro HP you will need a F. set or multiple if you can afford it.

Headgear: you want to start out with using basco/kiels if you cant afford them both use a Feathered berette to reduce dmg.

for mid headgears you want to use any type of aura with a maya P.

lower headgear: vit mouthpiece with another kiel/basco

armor: tao/gr, gr/puppetring

garment/ skoll/hollowring

footgear: F shoes with 2x orc lords

shield: uskoring, gtb

wep: F. mace with goldenring/skel worker/goldenring/skel worker, F. staff with the same cards or switching skel worker with a valk randgris

for your accessories you want to use anything that boosts your str for reflect with OL

for stats you want to get max vit because you will have over 230k with tao and over 150k with no tao and the other reductions as well as assump will let you survive anything that comes your way.

you also need to get some str so that your reflect does some ammount of dmg when your hit from asura or any other skills.

as for int you will have basco and kiels so you can heal yourself fast enough that you wont have to worry too much.

and for dex you want just enough to instant cast any of your major skills.

luk is useless for woe and pvp so why bother right?

thats it for now lemme know what you think I hope this guide goes to good use :D


k, this is what i think, not suggestin anything

1. it looks like you're going to have your priest melee people, for pvp bacso's useless just get 2x gemini on helm or ya kiels w/e. fsoldier too if you have it. but ya if you're a sanc priest in woe bacso is good. n__n

2. orc lords go in armor, not shoes.

3. str doesnt affect reflect damage.

4. there is no fmace or fstaff for priest

5. if you have fset you wont really need a hollowring in your cloak

fshoes with 2x ols?



if that would work, i would've put tao in my shoes :D

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