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quess waht niqquz ?!?!

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Yo whats qood ?

Evrybody knows me for my nickname , Nikki .

Well i quited about a year aqo and Im back because of my loviinq homies who wont stop botherinq me askinq me to come back . sooo im back .

Well for the people who doesnt know i post it up for you quys.

Haterz , Fall back ? before i make you because it just sooo sad for you quys to start hatinq on somebody mostly online , like seriously qo do somethinq other than hatinq on me because you aint me . qet real , nobody can be like me , be yourself than trying hard end up frontinq to be like someone else ; thats some lil kid shyt riqht there . I didnt qo back for stupid dramas either so If you quys want to start something , dont fuckinq include me .

Anywayz just hitt me up on these chars:

Namine Satome

Choco Shake

I hope I would stay lonqer but if any unexpected circumstances that pissed the shyt outta me , im out .

thats it for now .

Dha G Thuqqin Shawtii

Swaqqa on dha Thousand Trillionz



Welcome back to ForsakenRO, Nikki. O_O;

I can't seem to understand you. Regular English please.





wb as well. (: Can't we type with "g" instead of "q ?

q_q. g_g.


Welcome back, you're always welcome here [;

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