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The Corrupt a Wish Foundation

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^ Granted but you ran into a titanium wall thats layered by 500 more that are as thick as tanks, so you splattered and died.

I wish I was able to beat Halo 3 on Legendary since I suck at it :P


granted, but it had a crappy ending, and when you went to play online you got pwnt.

I wish I could live forever


Wish Granted, But than Michael Jackson raped you and got Aids and died...

I wish i could really block the sun


granted,but some US soldier kill u coz u make the world DARK..!!!

i wish i can do 100 post per 1 hour /gg


granted. but as soon as you have finished it, your keyboard got broken from so much typing and your computer can't take so much information that it exploded.

I wish someone would give me a Thanatos card


^ granted I gave it to you but thats the only card so people killed you just to get it.

I wish that doppelganger and Maya would combine cards


granted,but in that combine card is only donate for 1,000,000USD so ucant have it either..../gg

i wish im not an EMO anymire oo


^granted, instead you turned into this annoying cheerful girl who hops around and spread flowers. you were killed by a bunch of addicts who found you extremely irritationg.xD

I wish that this forum would change color~


^ Granted but you lost the control of it and started mind reading yourself

I wish i could See a boxing fight between Osama Bin Laden/Adolf Hittler/George W. Bush.

^ Granted but I took it back.

I wish I could read minds at a controlled rate.

To your wish, Granted but Osama won so he just killed bush and took you as a POW.

I wish I had Gambit's energy transfer shit from X-Men.


^Granted, but all the energy overflowed and you exploded.

I wish for 2 billion dollars that are marked money, clean and cannot be stolen and is insured in every other way.


granted,but in that ultimate secure GOD stole it for you and he VANISH that money ./gg

i wish this say cant corrupt of someone XD


^okay...but your wish makes no sense therefore it was corrupted from the start. XD

I wish you guys will jump off a cliff and die! (sorry I'm bored today)


^granted. but you got jealous at us and you jumped too.

I wish i had a high paying job.


granted. you die instantly instead.

I wish rei's charity get bankrupt


^granted, but rei was soo depressed that he blamed you and killed you.

I wish that callintz was a genie


granted,but ur head turn into normal becoz u REANCARNATION 8)

i wish i can know all of the language...


^ Granted, But the toaster broken and burned down your spaghetti

I wish i had adobe photoshop CS3 working....

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