Millenia Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 We should give the WoE times NPC a new option for players to warp outside castles ( not too close to the castle portal ), or we add the castle warps to the warp chick, ORRRRR we make a completely new NPC giving the option to warp to castles. I never remember the maps, blah, and i'm sure the newer members who are just starting out would appreciate it considering we don't really have the coords listed anyway. <3
Phenomenon Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 I agree. It could warp you to anywhere on the map on which the actual castle is located. I hate it when during WoE, players constantly keep asking me to tell them where to go to reach this-and-this castle. This could cut back on this, including the confusing of some players on where the location of the Geffen Castle, since the warp is at 'gef_fild13' and not a 'x_gld' warp.
Millenia Posted August 3, 2009 Author Report Posted August 3, 2009 It could warp you to anywhere on the map on which the actual castle is located. Nah, make it warp you around 10~15 cells from the entrance. The downfall would be because it's in a certain position you could be mobbed. Positive = Ability to easily warp to map if you lack coords. Con = Easily mobbed. 50/50 on both sides.
orthikuss Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 /ok just in single click ~~~ warp (as healer npc at fcity!) of course 4 sexy kafra npc!!
Devotion Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 ^There would be only one NPC, and you'd select the castle you want to go to. Though it's possible to have an NPC for each castle. Pro = instant access, con = crowding fcity more.
Rayray Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 liked this idea.. I am a Guild leader and even i forget the maps :p
Millenia Posted August 3, 2009 Author Report Posted August 3, 2009 ^There would be only one NPC, and you'd select the castle you want to go to. Though it's possible to have an NPC for each castle. Pro = instant access, con = crowding fcity more. Fcity is a big map.
Anarii Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 Don't we already have instant access through @warp? But yeah, this would help new people who don't know castle coordinates.
Terroryst Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 we shud make the npcs naruto npcs XDD dattebayo!! XDD
L2Aim Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 About WoE castles, there are too many castles for the small amount of guilds that we currently have. Reducing it to 1 would lead to too much complaints, but 1 castle less should mean guilds actually should defend and stop making tons of small guilds to just bash a castle's economy and gain no profit from it themselves. A small guide on the forum where new players are directed to, would also solve the problem with warps. @warp prt_gld 153 140 is on top of the portal @warp prt_gld 140 140 is a bit on the left side (13 tiles difference) @warp pay_gld 150 160 is next to the warp And I don't know the other warps like that, invest some effort, go to the spot, put them in a small txt file, open it when you do WoE or hotkey them on your alt + m hotkey list and you're good to go.
Millenia Posted August 3, 2009 Author Report Posted August 3, 2009 About WoE castles, there are too many castles for the small amount of guilds that we currently have. Reducing it to 1 would lead to too much complaints, but 1 castle less should mean guilds actually should defend and stop making tons of small guilds to just bash a castle's economy and gain no profit from it themselves. Irrelevant. You always mention we have too many castles in any topic WoE-related, we get the point. Castles won't be reduced, even though I completely agree with you. A small guide on the forum where new players are directed to, would also solve the problem with warps. Not everyone goes on the forums, and not everyone wants to keep a webpage open to get the coords during WoE... Yes, people could alt+m, personally all my alt+m are fulled with maps/commands I need on other servers too... I just believe it'd be a lot more convienient to have something warp you outside the castles. Maybe even allowing the flags in fcity the option to warp you.
xBiscuit Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 maybe he has a point. if we have one castle, then people wouldn't have to ask for cords to other castle.
L2Aim Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 maybe he has a point. if we have one castle, then people wouldn't have to ask for cords to other castle. People are starting to see the other side of the things I've stated, how thoughtful Biscuit ^^
xBiscuit Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 3 castles. 4-6 small guilds. we're just gonna either break between each other on a castle or one massive guild we'll keep a castle while 1-2 guilds will try to attack. while the other 3-4 guilds will be doing something else. it's like we're just feeding them the castle. if we reduce the castle to 2 or 1, that'd be a real woe.
Devotion Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 How about those hotkeys? I'm sure most players who WoE have room for one or two castles on their hotkeys. You can even get coordinates directly onto the warps of a castle, and avoid AoE attacks at the entrance, if you so desire. In terms of newer members knowing where our castles are, we could add the castle coordinates to the WoE Time NPC. And players who forget can always refer back to there :]
Kittie Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 About WoE castles, there are too many castles for the small amount of guilds that we currently have. Reducing it to 1 would lead to too much complaints, but 1 castle less should mean guilds actually should defend and stop making tons of small guilds to just bash a castle's economy and gain no profit from it themselves. A small guide on the forum where new players are directed to, would also solve the problem with warps. @warp prt_gld 153 140 is on top of the portal @warp prt_gld 140 140 is a bit on the left side (13 tiles difference) @warp pay_gld 150 160 is next to the warp And I don't know the other warps like that, invest some effort, go to the spot, put them in a small txt file, open it when you do WoE or hotkey them on your alt + m hotkey list and you're good to go. Reducing castles would be okay I guess...But not to 1. Euro WOE only has one castle open and guilds don't even try defending it. It's really just down to whoever breaks it in the last minute. You could do a trial period of one WOE day 2 are open while the other WOE day 1 is open to see how the guilds alter their tactics to those numbers. And I don't like this NPC suggestion. You can put in what the castle warps are in the NPC but not warp them to there. 1) Guild leaders should know what the coords are since they're setting the strategy and heck...they're the leader. 2) You can @warp there yourself. 3) @warp's can be set in your alt-m hotkeys. So I agree with putting like "These are the castle warps" in the NPC, but not putting in a new "warp to" option.
Millenia Posted August 3, 2009 Author Report Posted August 3, 2009 Should have 2 castles for american, 2 for euro. wont be accepted, though.
L2Aim Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 Not enough participants to actually make 2 castles for the European WoE worth it. If they can't defend 1, why add another last minute rushing castle?
NeverGone Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 More like 4 for WoA, And 2 for WoE. I know what i am talking about. :happy:
xBiscuit Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 lmao. 4 for America? exactly. feed the guilds. 2 for Europe? people barely defend 1. or better yet, let's make castles enough for all the guilds on the server so they can each have one. ^^~
iMush Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 If there was a spot that people warped to at any castle, then people who were laddering wud just stand there and farm kills by the dozen :P
Devotion Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 Please do not turn this thread into a discussion of adding/removing castles. When we have enough players to warrant another castle we'll decide then :)