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Summer blockbusters

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Is it me or does anyone else notice that like every blockbuster this summer has a main character dieing?

Harry Potter - Dumbledore

Transformers 2 - Optimus Prime

Public Enemies - John Dillinger

C'mon now, this is starting to annoy me.

I'm looking forward to Inglorious Basterds, but if Brad Pitt dies I'm going to be pissed.

Sorry if I spoiled anything but there is a spoiler tag.


Heyyyy! Prime came back alive with magical fairy dust! xD!

But yeah I still haven't seen Public Enemy's...ruin it for me! ;_;

Heyyyy! Prime came back alive with magical fairy dust! xD!

But yeah I still haven't seen Public Enemy's...ruin it for me! ;_;

Sorry, you shouldn't see it anyway. I really did not like it. They had so much potential with Bale and Depp but blew it and left me feeling like I just watched some History channel documentary that wasn't worth $8 to see.


Well Hollywood is making movies based on games. I think it's safe to say they are running out of ideas, when you think about it stuff like this is what apparently sells nowadays. It's a real shame. =\

Dumbly would've died LAST summer had Twatlight not been invented and he's been dead for 4 years so it's no big d

Fuck you Stephanie Meyer you suck so hard

Well Hollywood is making movies based on games. I think it's safe to say they are running out of ideas, when you think about it stuff like this is what apparently sells nowadays. It's a real shame. =\

Yea, they want to make live action anime and game movies now... I mean Street Fighter for real? But I have to admit I'm probably going to go see the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie when it comes out Lol.

Prime came back to life and got some steroids from the old dude though.

I'm glad they gave Prime some balls in this movie, I was disappointing in his combat scenes in the first one. I mean megatron was slapping him around like nothing.

I'm just hoping I won't be disappointed with the rest of the ones coming out this summer. I'm skipping GI Joe just because I can smell the suck in the commercials. I'm going back and forth with Funny People... I've had enough of Seth Rogen. Inglorious Basterds looks good and Sherlock Holmes in December will be good, because its Robert Downey Jr.

@VapoRub You should be excited, the new Twilight comes out in November. :suicide_anim:


There is 2012 coming out in November, too.


Yea, I saw that but I haven't heard/read much about it so I don't know what to expect.

BTW: They finished all of the shooting for Iron Man 2 recently and it has gone into the editing stage, to be released next summer I think.

Robert Downey Jr is on fire, hope he keeps it up and stays away from the drugs.

Going to see The Ugly Truth tonight, Gerard Butler is pretty good so hopefully it'll be amusing.

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